Hi, I wanted to copy the "Maintenance Repair"

Hi, I wanted to copy the โ€œMaintenance Repairโ€ demo app but Iโ€™m getting the following error:

Error Cloning App You do not have permission to clone the source app


The two other samples (Maintenance overview and Maintenance request) it copied perfectly and I was able to run it in my own profile. https://solutions.appsheet.com/create-mobile-apps-for-property-management-and-real-estate

What Iโ€™m doing wrong?

Best regards Martin

0 14 509

@Gwen FYI

This is being fixed today! Thanks for pointing it out.

New Member

i no longer see sample tenant maintenance repair app on the list of sample apps in order to copy. where is it ?

(1) Where is it listed on sample apps ?
(2) Copy & Customize on the link you provided says: โ€œYou do not have permission to clone the source appโ€

I have no idea.

Youโ€™ll need to contact Support for help with that; I have no authority over the app.


Attn @Peter

Hello appsheet_team

Thanks Steve. So if this Maintenance repair app is a sample app for users to clone, (1) I would expect it to show up on this Sample app list and (2) I would expect to be able to clone without message "You do not have permission to clone the source appโ€

What am I missing ?

P.S. this forum would not let me post links , go figure

New Member

@appsheet_team hello appsheet team, can I get you to address yesterdayโ€™s message ?

hello @appsheet_team anybody home ? Do you know if we have to pay money to reply to messages ?

Hi @Dronen a couple of things to follow up on:

The sample app youโ€™re looking for appears to be a legacy sample app, thus your inability to find it in the current library. My guess is that thatโ€™s also why youโ€™re unable to make a copy of it.

There are a few samples on the current page that you may find of interest since youโ€™re looking for a property management app of sorts. This may not appear to be a one-to-one match for what youโ€™re seeking, but all of these sample/template apps are meant to be a starting point. You copy, customize, and deploy to your team based on your needs.

This rental manager app uses a lot (if not all) of the same functionality you were seeking in the previous app: Rental Manager

Facility inspection: Facility Inspections

Last thing Iโ€™ll mention is that the team doesnโ€™t receive notifications for the @appsheet_team (looks like a warning message pops up to say nobody will be notified). We answer as many questions as we can, assisted by the tens of thousands of other creators in this space that share their knowledge with members of this community monthly. Keep engaging with this space, itโ€™s a great way to learn more about the platform.

You stated you arenโ€™t able to post links, can you share a quick screen shot of your error message? I should be able to help with that.

Discourse blocked @Dronen because they referenced appsheet.com in several replies. Discourseโ€™s automatic filters thought it was spam. I manually unblocked them when I noticed it. I believe it was the same day.

New Member

@JCadence Thank you for sharing facts to explain: (1) why sample tenant maintenance repair app does not show up on appsheet sample apps page and (2) why pressing copy and customize produces error message โ€œYou do not have permission to clone the source appโ€.

@JCadence You stated โ€œthe teamโ€ doesnโ€™t receive notifications for the @appsheet_team. This appsheet_team page lists 257 members on appsheet_team including @JCadence & @Steve . I/We can also see that @steve is the undisputed champion of replies and likes on Leaderboard for the past month, past year, and all time. and The people who have been answering emails at support@appsheet.com belong to this appsheet_team group and โ€œtheyโ€ have repeatedly prompted me/us to ask questions on community.appsheet.com so we/I do.

So @Jcadence or @steve , (1) how do you suppose I/we notify โ€œtheyโ€ appsheet_team to respond on the same place to which โ€œtheyโ€ keep prompting us to use ? (2) how long do you suggest we wait for response on community.appsheet.com before we give up or escalate ?

@Steve thanks for the follow up.

@Dronen the community is a crowd sourced space for how-to related questions and all customers are directed here for that purpose. Performance questions are directed to our support email. Itโ€™s important to set the expectation that this space is a public forum in which help and support are provided by a variety of individuals. Some questions will be answered by community members or the team, some may already have answers and a quick search can unearth them, other questions may not receive a response. This is the reality of many public, community spaces. Our team is quite active- monitoring and triaging constantly- which is why the community at large, including yourself, will receive responses from individuals such as Steve and others.

Finally, here is a screen shot of what I was referring to for notifications as it should provide clarity:

Yes, please set the expectation:

quote=โ€œDronen, post:13, topic:4030โ€ how do you suppose I/we notify appsheet_team to respond on AND (2) how long do you suggest we wait for response on community.appsheet.com before we give up or escalate ?

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