Hide related Columns when blank

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to hide related columns when their result is zero or null?
In the bellow picture there are several related columns only the "Contactos# one has a result. How can I hide the ones that have no result?

thanx a million

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Hi Marc,

thank you for your reply!
Which one of the options you believe is the best practice?

Use COUNT() in the show_if expression. It was intended as only 1 option.

Thanks again!

I suck with expressions thatโ€™s why I have so much trouble with these issuesโ€ฆ

I will study the link you sent me

thanks again mate

Hi Marc,

Iโ€™ve been trying to set the count up with no success, I donโ€™t understand the way Count will count the rows of column a related to a table, in this case a sliceโ€ฆ

Can you r someone help?

Hi @Luis_Gomes_Machado
Maybe try something like this in SHOWIF
COUNT([Related Column]) >= 1
What did you try?

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Luis_Gomes_Machado

In addition to what @Lynn said, can you try that: ISNOTBLANK([Related Column])
(Itโ€™s an equivalent solution in my opinion)
I just gave it a try for testing, that works on my app.

Make sure you set this expression here:

for doing so:


Thank you so much you all for helping me
Still I am doing something wrongโ€ฆ

does it have to do with the column structure of my slice?


Sorry Marcโ€ฆ you are a genius!

thanxs man!!!

Thank you @Lynn and @Aurelien as well!!!

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