Hiding a View

Hi guys. I want to hide a view based on user input. Here’s the description

I have two views (and 2 data sets for the same) : USERS and PLAN.

I only wish to show PLAN if a user is valid. USERS has 2 columns, phone number and date-of-birth and 5 rows with the values of these 2 columns populated.

Now, I want to show PLAN view only of correct pair of mobile number and date of birth is entered. If the correct pair is not entered, PLAN view will be hidden.

How do I achieve this?

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Well… it depends how do you need to evaluate it. Are you able to explain that as well?

@Aleksi Hi
My evaluation is pretty simple.

Only those users who enter correct pair of phone number and date-of-birth, should be allowed to see the other view (PLAN), else the view should remain hidden

But how do you validate them? Do you have a list in your app?


As I mentioned, I have a different sheet (USERS sheet) which already has the correct pairs of phone numbers and date of birth. I would use this sheet for validation.

When you have those two tables in your app, how do you identify who the user is?

Imagine I have 5 users, User A, B, C, D and E.

All of them know their phone numbers and date of birth. I have stored their phone numbers and date of births in my USER table along with user email id.

Now I want that when user A uses my app, he would enter his phone number and DOB, and based on that I will show him his PLAN

Are you using Usersettings for that purpose?

No, as of now I’m just using my 2 tables. Can you please explain how to use Usersettings here?

@aditya_glp Please check this article…

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