How can I join tables of the same structure i...

How can I join tables of the same structure in a single table?

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Check this out. Hope this is what you are looking for Scaling Using Data Partitions


Thank you for the answer, I do not fully understand the sample application?

@Test_Birimi google sheet te olusturdugun her tablo apshee te 1 tablo olarak algilanir! yani baslangicta table1 ayri bir sheet olmali,table2 ayri bir sheet olmaliโ€ฆtable3 te

ve tablo basliklarida (sari isaretli olan) column olarak algilanir. yani 3 table in bir sheet icinde olmasi bence yanlis bir baslangicโ€ฆeger yanlis anlamadiysam!

eger ayri ayri ise Script te โ€œonchangeโ€ trigger ayari ile tablo1 ve tablo2 ye her yeni giriste tablo3 e veri atabilirsin



Selim bey yapmak istediฤŸimi anlatmak iรงin bir tabloda gรถsterdim. Zaten her tablo ayrฤฑ sayfada. Query ile tablo 3 de verileri aktarmayฤฑ baลŸardฤฑm tablo 1 ve tablo 2 deฤŸiลŸiklik olduฤŸunda tablo 3 de de deฤŸiลŸiyor. Benim istediฤŸim tablo 3 de de deฤŸiลŸiklik olduฤŸunda tablo 1 ve tablo 2 de ilgili yerde deฤŸiลŸsin. Bunu script ile nasฤฑl saฤŸlayabilirim. ร–rnek bir script รงalฤฑลŸmasฤฑ var mฤฑ? TeลŸekkรผrler. Translate

After you combine two tables into one, will you use the final table as Read Only? If yes Then, and if you use Google Spreadsheet, I suggest you use a time trigerred Google Script to append files into one file and use the final table in your appsheet.

@Yilmaz_Kandis1 Yฤฑlmaz Bey cevap iรงin teลŸekkรผr ederim ama tam anlayamadฤฑm ne yapacaฤŸฤฑmฤฑ? Benim 6 adet google e-tablom var bunlarฤฑ alt alta ortak sรผtunlara gรถre birleลŸtirip tek tablo olarak gรถstermek istiyorum. Orjinal tablolarda deฤŸiลŸiklik yaptฤฑฤŸฤฑmda yansฤฑyacak ลŸekilde. Translate

@Test_Birimi I would combine your tables in the sheet and then bring that table into your app as view_only. You can combine your tables something likeโ€ฆ =query({Sheet1!A2:D1000;Sheet2!A2:D1000},โ€œSelect* where Col1>0โ€)

@Aleksi_Alkio Hello Master, I was thinking the same but how do you think about timing of Appsheet reading data made with query function vs. static data (data appended to master file each time when other sheets updated)

If you use script with onChange, the workflow would be the same. You need to sync the data so your data will be updated.

@Aleksi_Alkio @Yilmaz_Kandis1

Iโ€™m joining the bottom line, but when I make changes to the main tables I can not figure out how to reflect it here.

What do you mean by "Bottom line?

@Aleksi_Alkio He/She meant to append Table2 data to the end of Table1. @Test_Birimi I replied your email and shared Google Sheets samples with you.

Hi Test, if I got your question right, I would actually create one table and add a column and name it

[Table Name] and have an Enum type with the following options Table 1 , Table 2.

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