How many prototype apps can be created?


Is there no limit to creating a prototype app per account?

Can I be blocked if I create a lot of prototype apps?

Provides users with a feature-restricted app for free (prototype)

We would like to provide users with a full-featured app (Enterprise license) for a fee.

Isnโ€™t it against Appsheetโ€™s policy?

0 8 1,018

I donโ€™t think theres a limit. I currently have 66 in My Apps

Oh! I see.
Thank you

Google Cloud is the limit!

Hello KangJinil,

One question about your question.

You supplies some App to your customers in Prototype mode (free for you) and you make an invoice for the app?
Iโ€™m starting to create some AppSheet for my customers, but itโ€™s always one Appsheet for one customer because itโ€™s always a personal design. The price (deploy mode) is too expensive (2 users : me and customer + calendar = 20$/month). I worked with some small business.
Iโ€™m wondering if I can keep the prototype mode for this kind of application and if itโ€™s legal to do that. I donโ€™t want that my custoimer get some problems.


Hi! Welcome to the Community! Be aware that the Community is changing. Starting tomorrow 25th of Jan you will likely see a completely different Community interface

You may not yet knowโ€ฆan undeployed app MAY not have all the capabilities enabled that you want.

For example, in an undeployed app, automated emails are sent ONLY to the App Creator/Owner of the app. There could be other disable capabilities but depends on the features you have built and whether your app would be negatively impacted.

While building your app, you can Analyze it to see what Pricing Plan is required based on the current features you have included int he app. See image below where to find this Analyzer.

Hello Willow,

Thanks for your answer.

I have another question about the pricing.

1. Have you some the similar tool in order which plan do you need following our app?

2. When the price is indicated as 10$/user/month => in the case, I build an app for a customer. How many users do we have to count? me (creator) and the client (user) => users =2? or only my client is considered as 1 user => user  = 1?


App sheet is asking me to upgrade my plan

I do not why?

I am only prototyping

Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

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