How to make money paying minimum 5/user?

New Member

Right, Id love to ask this to support buy seems you have to pay even for asking.
I have an app ready but have to pay minimum 5$ per user and month.
That means that I need to earn at least 5$ to pay the app for that user to use it.
Soโ€ฆhow can you make money with an app at a reasonable price if minimum will be 5$ and 10 for a propper app?
I donยดt get itโ€ฆ

0 15 2,771

You obviously have a certain type of app and pricing point in mind.

What kind of app are you planning to build? How many monthly users do you expect to be using your app? What are you using for a price comparison?

New Member

You ask questions to answer my questions? All your questions are not relevant to answer mine. If i need a minimum of 5$/month and userโ€ฆ this only make sense for apps with thousands users, enagagement, ads, and user data mining LOL

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Charge the user more than you have to pay.

If youโ€™re asking why AppSheet charges so much, itโ€™s because it costs money to provide the service. Your AppSheet-based app relies on AppSheet services for normal ongoing operation.

Before I have all the company liking your comments, wich I obviously dont care because i am really asking a qeustion in case i missed something, thats itโ€ฆ
I obviusly understand that you offer me a service.
My point is that 10$ PER USER AND MONTHโ€ฆ is stealing.
How many apps do you have in your phone that you pay 10$ ? NONE? Well then trust me nobdy would pay ME 10 either. Neither then you will make ever business with meโ€ฆ or with MILLIONS of people that obviusly are loking to earn money.
Billing me for every single userโ€ฆ is just a joke. Plus then we will have to count days for each user and track every one and obviosuly trust you on billing. So simply with 10 of my stupid friends testing my app, I will have to pay 100$. THAT IS RIDICULOUS.

I apologize but your question had a certain overtone of dis-belief implying a certain expectation. As related to selling apps, the question you asked is very broad and would require a lengthy answer to provide the details of all the ways you can market and sell these apps AND your biggest concernโ€ฆprofit from them. I was trying to cut to your specific use case and provide answers that are relevant to you.

You are making assumptions and donโ€™t have all the facts. It may be that AppSheet is not the platform for your needs. This is the reason why you need to provide details of what you would like to do so those with experience can inform you.

Appsheet is super powerful tool, if you dont like, I respect any decision you make.
To run this rich platform, the platformer need to invest the bunch of money commerically, so they need to charge something, such a rich services can not be free all the time.
I just say good luck with you to find better and cheaper services. Bye.

New Member

I tried to delete my account but everything here seems to be a bit difficult. Can you just delete my profile, since I wont be using this anymore? Thanks


Wow, I came across this post on the internet actually just wanting to find out something about how to monetize appsheet and actually run a business.

You are extremely rude Yago, and it's really unnecessary, just thought I'd point it out, although it's obvious.

I want to be able to host the app I create on the google play store and charge a hefty fee (obviously more than that what I will pay for a subscription per user per month) so I can have cash flow and profit from the app created.

I want to 

Just want to know if this is possible to then create an app like this with appsheet that's all?

For example:

I would like to add a "subscription" feature to the app that will charge whoever uses it in order to keep using it?

So once the app is done and Live let's say I built the app with the 10$ option per user per month and today I get 3 people that download and pays for the app, which will then automatically increase my monthly subscription to host the app for each of the users that use it. Also in the same sense if they decide to cancel their subscription with the app for my monthly subscription to go down to the quantity of how many users are left using the app?

I hope this is possible because I have zero coding knowledge but can build almost anything with excel spreadsheets and google sheets, if this is not entirely possible within AppSheet's framework without me having to learn how to code would you mind to please direct me in the right direction someone like me can make this become a reality?

Kind Regards,


It might make sense to move to cheaper platforms in this particular case like or glide.

Hey there! It can be tough to balance costs and earnings with apps. The key is to focus on providing value to users. Consider offering a free version with optional in-app purchases or subscriptions for added features. Also, explore marketing strategies to reach a broader audience and increase downloads. If you want to make money fast, check out some online resources for creative tips that complement your app venture. Remember, it takes time to build a user base, but with dedication and innovation, you can find success!

i came to this post with a similar query . the use case was having a lot of external user customers without excessive costs. However the platform is really awesome(notwithstanding the high costs), i can see why the our forum friend yago got pissed , its so easy to build on it for no-coders  .

So a few comments here:

  1. This seems more oriented towards internal use for businesses or personal use, it can be monetized, but it's tricky to do. Keep in mind, you don't need to publish to the app stores. You can just use the "Appsheet" app to access your apps. At this time, Appsheet is free for personal use or prototyping up to 10 users.
  2. It looks like it does not currently supports ads, so you'll need to roll out your own ad solution (or find an ad company that is specifically setup to work with appsheet and that isn't intended to provide you with access to your ad data rather than to serve ads to users, I've had no luck so far), which is only practical if your business is a marketplace of some sort. There might be ways around this, but it's not going to be easy or user-friendly (then again I wouldn't really consider ads in general to be user-friendly).
  3. You'll only be able to publish to the app store(s) if your app is sufficiently suited for it (generally speaking apps should be B2B or B2C or C2C, apps intended for a company's internal use stuff is unlikely to be published). This should allow you to charge whatever you want for the app in the app store. Likely you'll want to create a free version of the app and a paid version of the app.
  4. Appsheet does not currently directly support subscriptions nor does it support in-app payment handling. This isn't a major issue though as you can just have a separate website to handle payments and use Zapier or something to handle the updates to the subscriptions table as needed. Though some extra work will be needed to ensure that the user of the app is actually the person who made the payment.

Making a minimum of $5/user is definitely a worthy goal. One effective avenue is exploring various online opportunities. Freelancing platforms offer gigs in writing, graphic design, or coding โ€“ skills that can easily fetch more than the targeted amount per user. Also, consider affiliate marketing or creating and selling digital products. It's about finding what aligns with your skills and interests.

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