How to sync from google spreadsheet to google calendar automatically

How can I add the row from spreadsheet to google calendar automatically?

I could make action to add spreadsheet to google calendar like below.


But I don't know how to automate this action when something added or edited.

For example, when I change the 'start time' in spreadsheet, google calendar also should be edited automatically.

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Habe hier ein kurzes Beispielvideo gefunden, wie der Google Kalender mit Appsheet Eingaben automatisch aktualisiert wird.

Integration Google Kalender mit Automationen 

View solution in original post


Thank you so much. I could make automation.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 22.28.26.png


How can I edit the row, not add new row? When I edit the start time of the existing row, new row was made.



Don't use an "Add new row" action. Use instead "Run action on rows" to run an action that edits the pertinent row.

thank you so much. But I don't know how to write the pertinent row. I'm not sure how should I write expression in 'Referenced Rows

For example, my spreadsheet is like below. 'Thing' can be duplicated. 


Unique IDThingStartEnd
66f48070Sleep2022/12/31 23:03:002023/10/1 23:33:00
5ff60e06Lunch2023/1/4 15:30:002023/5/31 16:00:00
k84802dSleep2022/12/31 23:03:002023/10/1 23:33:00

I could automatically add these information to google calendar. But I could not automatically edit the existing row. 

I'm not experienced using a Google Calendar as a data source for an AppSheet table. Conceptually, one of the following is likely an appropriate approach.

  • Don't use separate tables to begin with. If necessary, create multiple views of the same table.
  • If you use separate tables, ensure that one references the other. Then, you could use dereference expressions to accomplish needs like replicate redundant columns (e.g., Start, End) and utilize a related rows column for an action's Referenced Rows property.

I really thank you. I could make action to edit Google calendar row when related spreadsheet changes. But I still cannot do it automatically.


First, I made action to add row from spreadsheet to Google calendar. Since I could not edit Row ID, I added Unique ID in spreadsheet to Location in Google calendar.



Then, I also made edit Google calendar row when spreadsheet changed.


Expression is below



But I cannot know how to automate these actions.

When new row in spreadsheet added, new row in Google calendar also should be added. Then existing row in spreadsheet is edited, related row in Google calendar also should be edited automatically.








Habe hier ein kurzes Beispielvideo gefunden, wie der Google Kalender mit Appsheet Eingaben automatisch aktualisiert wird.

Integration Google Kalender mit Automationen 

Thank you so much. Finally I could do that!!

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