I might be missing something: In my app, I h...

I might be missing something:

In my app, I have a ‘Customers’ table and a ‘Contacts’ table. In the ‘Customers’ table, there is a ref to the ‘Contacts’ table. In the form view, when adding a new contact in the ref field, how can I prepopulate the customer to be that of the customer I just entered before saving the forms?

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  • UX

Mark the “Is Part of” property in the ref column as true. So then when you add or edit a Customer, you will be able to add to the list of contacts related to that customer from within the Customer form. Is that something you have already tried?

I’ll try that.

Further, I also have a “Job Profile” table that is intended to reference the Customer, Contact, Site Address and others. Is there a way to prefill the ‘Site Address’ ref form based on the ref’d customer?

Depending on where the data is coming from (i.e. which is your ref column), you can put: [SourceTable].[SourceColumnInThatTable] as app formula for Site Address to prefill the column with data from another table. Just change the values.

@Mobile_Tuberculosis It’s for the ‘Site Address’ form when creating a new row from the ref column. Is there a way to back reference the first open form entries?

Oh sorry, I misunderstood. I thought Site Address was a column. When you have a ref column, the table will be listed in-line when the referenced table’s details view is accessed. When a new form is created there, the ref column is auto-populated.

@Mobile_Tuberculosis ah, so I could reference that virtual column in the form view… makes sense! But even before the form is saved?

Yes, if you mark “IsPartOf” as “True” as @David_Ackling-Jones said. However, you can only do this to one back-reference column. In the spec, this is defined as a relationship of “is composed of”.

Thanks for your help!

For your original question… do you want to have lot of customers for one contact? It sounds you want lot of contacts for one customer. Or have I understood your request wrongly?

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