I need to delete several QuickStart apps that...

I need to delete several QuickStart apps that have appeared, inexplicably, in my account. But when I delete them they keep reappearing.

How do I get rid of them???

0 13 627

@RezaRaoofi Ive tried deleting the table they were based on (that was generating errors anyway), and also moving them to deployed status before attempting to delete them again. No joy - they reappear in the QuickStart list

They arenโ€™t โ€œrealโ€ apps โ€” they are something we are trying to make it easier to create a new app from a spreadsheet. We have it on for some users and off for others to see if it is useful. It sounds like this is proving annoying for you?

@praveen Thumbs-down

I think the Sample apps page on AppSheet website is intuitive and clear enough for a quick start; no need to occupy My apps page with a few random QuickStart templates that are not real apps.

@praveen Well, now that I know they are new feature, its less worrying where these apps came from. I think in the right context, maybe to test something out quickly, they could be useful, but FIVE apps? Also, the naming of the apps caused confusion, plus the fact that the data tables they were based on had errors. Thats why I wanted to delete them.

Yes, itโ€™s really meant for new users on their first day of using AppSheet. They sign in and land up on the My Apps page. This feature tries to show them their most recent spreadsheets โ€œimaginedโ€ as an app. if they click on it, that creates the app.

Weโ€™ll tweak it so that it doesnโ€™t show up for more experienced users.

@praveen A reasonable idea.

I know you have turned this off for me but is it really a good idea. New users may try making apps from sheets where the data is definitely not set up in a way suitable for making an app.

One of my sheets that was in my list was a



I dont think It would have made a very good app.

That must be something new!? Following.

@praveen Something new about this issue? Is there a way to delete the Quick Start section, or at least delete those apps? It keeps creating apps for some sensitive data inside my Google Drive.

Hi @Paulo , those QuickStart apps are not really created. They just identify spreadsheets that are recently used in your Drive (from the timestamp_ and ask you if you want to build an app against them. They only really get created when you choose to open them. The purpose is to help people who donโ€™t really know how to get started.
And in fact, QuickStart apps are only shown for app creators who have relatively few apps. Once you start having multiple deployed apps, they disappear (because at that point, the system assumes you know exactly what to do).

Thank you for your reply @praveen !
I know they are not created, but they are annoying anyway.
Iโ€™ll hurry to deploy several apps then.

Yeah, you know the thing is โ€ฆ sometimes the same things that annoy the experts also help the newer users. Iโ€™ve had users tell me it was nice to have the quickstart apps showing them what to do next.

We try to get some kind of balance between the two ends of the spectrum without providing an option for everything.

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