Image Column problem with iOS 16

I suspect this has something to do with iOS 16 upgrade, but could require an update to the Appsheet application on iPhone.

Running iPhone 13 on iOS 16 and discovered that an image column when taking a new photo does not show a preview of the picture itself in the form. Furthermore, when saving the new row with the image column, the image does not actually save and returns a 404 error where the image would typically display in the detail view.


In the last screenshot, typically where the camera icon is, the image would be displayed. If I choose an image from my existing images, then a preview of the image does display.

One of my users that has an iPhone SE running iOS 15.5 does not experience this problem, and the image column behaves correctly when taking a new image.

Hoping someone is willing to reproduce by upgrading their device to either iOS 15.7 or 16 to see if they can replicate or if someone already has experienced the same issue? Or if this could be raised as a possible bug with support?

0 28 622

I am not seeing any difference in behavior.  I am using an iPhone 7 that was running iOS 15.6.1 before first test, upgraded to 15.7 and then retested.

To test, I simply defined two columns as "Image" and made no other changes.  I allowed AppSheet default image behavior deal with saving and retrieving images.  Below are the results.

How are your Image columns defined?

iOS before Tests


Saved images after first test, from camera and from image list


Update to iOS 15.7


Form showing captured image after update


3rd row showing state of saved images after update



I think you don't understand this should to update ios 16. you will know this problem. because I have same this issue.

Thanks for confirming that Iโ€™m not the only one.

Hoping someone is willing to reproduce by upgrading their device to either iOS 15.7 or 16 to see if they can replicate

@Zowy wrote:

I think you don't understand this question.

I don't or you don't?

This is what was in the original post and that which I acted on:

"...Hoping someone is willing to reproduce by upgrading their device to either iOS 15.7 or 16 to see if they can replicate..."

My device hadn't yet updated to 15.7 and, apparently, not yet eligible for 16.0.  So at least I could answer the part of the question about 15.7.

Thanks for trying out 15.7 and confirming that the problem is not with 15.7. I guess since your device is not yet eligible for 16, that kind of negates trying that option, but thanks for checking. Since I went ahead and upgraded to 16, I don't really have the option of reverting to 15.7, so I suppose I better let my users know to not update to iOS 16 if they are using the camera option. I will probably email support with this issue. Do you know if the email is still

I would recommend sending to to support.  I think they operate more off of tickets now so using their support page might better.  See image where you can access Support from the Editor.

However, I wouldn't be so quick to chalk the problem up to an iOS version upgrade.   I have to believe we would have heard from more people by now if the problem was wide-spread.  But maybe it's early.

I suggest attempting to recreate the issue in a NEW small test app.  

FYI @Markus_Malessa @Zowy 

I just read that 16.0.1 has already been released.

Thanks for the info. Just checked for it on my device, and apparently it has not been pushed out to everyone yet.

Still don't have 16.0.1 available, and after reading some of the available details I'm not so certain that it will address our issue with AppSheet. It appears that 16.0.1 mostly addresses migration to iPhone 14 Pro, but I could be wrong. Either which way it appears that throughout the week we will probably gain a lot more unhappy users.

Would you mind updating to iOS 16? I skipped over 15.7 and went straight to 16. So it would seem that my problem occurs with 16.

Why is the developer ignoring this issue?

I can confirm that this is still an issue as of now. My users aren't happy...

Everyone who is having an issue should open a ticket to support If you haven't already.

This issue should be escalated as we now have a handful of people with this same problem and it seems it will only get worse as end users finally update to iOS 16.



This has actually gotten worse for me now! I click the camera icon to bring up the camera functionality, select 'Take a Photo', snap a picture, select 'Use Photo'. Then the app just restarts, but skips over the syncing step and then goes back to the form I tried taking a picture in.

Please provide these details in a ticket to support and make sure to mark it "critical" as it will likely become widespread quickly.

There is still the possibility that only a few are impacted by a certain implementation.  I am surprised that there isn't more people having the issue here.

Have you tried making a simple test app from scratch to see if the problem is still presents?  Doing so will either eliminate or confirm the concern that this is a widespread issue. 

Unfortunately, iOS 16 is not going to be made available to iPhone 7's so I can't upgrade to test and confirm.

Here is a GIF of the problem. You'll notice a short break almost half way. The first part is the problem as originally reported, the second part is the 'evolved' problem where the app just reloads.



Have you checked the Audit Log files to see if any errors are being reported?

Just did, nothing associated with the picture taking.

Bronze 4
Bronze 4

@Markus_Malessa did you ever find a solution for this? I am running into this same issue now.

This issue should have been resolved on the Appsheet side. I do not recall which update fixed this, but I am no longer experiencing the issue since the update was released.

Looks like this issue has returned. Tested today on IPhone 13, iOS 16.1.1, AppSheet version 15.2. Attached a Gif. Going to upgrade the phone to iOS 16.3 to see if that takes care of the issue.



See my post for a workaround I found to fix this for the time being. Hopefully it helps you as well

Thanks for that solution. After updating to iOS 16.3 it appears this is resolved again. Albeit I could not say if itโ€™s due to the iOS update or if the phone restart cleared the data cache maybe.

Do you have "Auto Save" enabled by any chance?

Are you referring to the AppSheet settings within iOS or a setting within the application?

A setting in the AppSheet application available on each Form view. 

If it is turned on and the Image you are setting happens to be the last field to fill out the Form, Auto-Save would automatically kick in and fire off any attached actions you have and then perform the expected activities just as if you had tapped Save.  This would include a Sync if your App was configured to Sync on each save.

Ah 'That' auto save. No I do not have that enabled.

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