Images keep breaking

Why does it seem that viewing an IMAGE in AppSheet is like hitting a moving target. I get it working, then it stops, because there is a better way. I change it and it works for several months. Que more change. Images break again only for me to fix them and they break again two weeks later. How or why does this keep happening?

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Should not be happening…if all else in the app is staying consistent.

What changes do you need to make to “fix” the issue?
Are you using a sheet for a datasource?
Are the images uploaded into the app through an Image type column?


Nothing in the app has changed. Everything is as it was months ago. I’m not really sure what changes need to be made to fix it. My gsheet holds the links to the images in an image column. There is a lot of information on images and Google drive, but none of it works for me now.

Ok good.

Yes, I use an image type column. The links above are what I have used in those columns.

By this statement, I am understanding you to say that you “fix” the broken images. What are you doing to fix the problem that makes them work again for a while?

There is one key understanding that is not well published. With Image and File columns, the folders they get stored in are based on the root location of the sheet. Not the app default path. Your File and Images store a relative path to the file meaning they depend on the root location of the sheet to be able find the folders and files. So if you move the sheet, the root location is changed and images are not found.

Are you by chance “organizing” your app(s) by moving the sheet(s)?

My images are located in the same folder that my gsheet resides.

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