Is it possible to make a simple application with AppSheet that will not be associated with any table and that does not have to have a key?

Regards to all. I’m new to AppSheet and I’ve been trying to create my first app for a few days. For a start, I wanted it to be something quite simple, but it turned out to be an impossible mission to create an application that will not be associated with any table and that does not have to have a key?
Let me explain. Can I create an application that will have 2 fields for entering arbitrary numbers (variables) on the screen, which provide data for implementation in the formula, which places its result in the third variable and displays it as a result.
For example: a = inputbox (“your weight?”), B = inputbox (“how tall are you?”), Then c = result calculated in the formula, and display of results e.g. “Your BMI is” & c. After that, maybe some screen with a conclusion or advice and that’s it. No data recording and storage. Exit the application.
Example no. 2: Pythagorean theorem. Enter the sides of a right triangle a and b. Apply the formula and calculate side c (hypotenuse) and show the result. No need to store any data, right?
I hope that someone can help me and I thank you in advance.

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