Is it possible to search Views by a field name?

Iโ€™m needing to update key expressions to improve performance in an app. When I identify an expression that could use some updating, Iโ€™d like to identify the Views that would be impacted?

I ran a simple search in the UX screen by the field name but no luck - is there another way Iโ€™m just not thinking of?


1 6 159
  • UX

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Not to my knowledge.

Did you try searching the app documentation?

No luck with finding a reference for the search

I once had written a script that parsed the documentation and built an in memory data structure to be able to run some queries like what you are trying to do but I never finished it, unfortunately

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@stefan_qrew, feature request?

This would be an interesting use case to support with QREW Tools.

Itโ€™s conceivable, but Iโ€™d have to do some more exploration to determine if itโ€™s actually possible.

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