JSON Assistance for Chatbot Automation - Send Message to Google Chat - Text Formatting Error

I have an automation to (this is kinda morbid) send a notification to a certain internal chat when a patient is flagged as deceased. The JSON for the text that is sent to chat is as follows:


    "text": "Rest in peace, *<<[Full Name]>>*, born on *<<DOB>>*."



The webhook integration is working fine with Google Chat, but I am seeing that sometimes the [Full Name] value is bold, sometimes it is not.... What have i done wrong, and why does it work sometimes?

Looks like it is successful when there is a middle name, but if not, it displays like this:

Screenshot 2022-04-19 09.03.48.png
NOTE: This was done before the DOB value was added to the JSON.

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I suppose one solution would be to manually concatenate the full name by pulling [Last Name], [First Name] [Middle Name], but [Full Name] is a virtual column that already concatenates that information and displays it properly in the app

I think you're barking up the wrong tree with the middle name thing.

You're using the asterisk as markdown to format it as bold? I'd guess the issue is nothing with your JSON, but just has to do with where/how you're viewing it in your "chatbot". I send webhook message to Slack a lot, and I use tick marks for markdown code formatting, they don't show up with the code formatting when viewed on Mobile Slack, but look just fine on Desktop Slack.

I guess there is some Google Chat API documentation explaining the best way to bold text and stuff like that.

I use Telegram BOT API and the docs are fantastic

Telegram Bot API

yes, this is what i used to find the asterisk for bold formatting:


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