Key 'error' not found in returned object

I am using an api call to a 3rd party system and I would like to capture the response. However depending of whether the api refers to a known object or not, the response varies.

If all good I will receive some attributes array element

If not then I receive an error element

I am trying to figure out how to store both values but the automation always fails because I will never get both. The full audit history message is:

"Errors": "Error: 'Set Column Values' Data action ''Set Column Values' Data action 'Action for Store result'' failed with exception 'Set Column Values' Data action 'Action for Store result' failed because field 'api.error' in table 'MyTable' could not be computed due to exception Error: Failed Webhook type translation: Key 'error' not found in returned object.",

I tried editing my Set Column Values to test if the return value [API Call].[error] is blank and just write a space if so but the problem appears to be relating to the recording of the return value itself. 

How can I work around this?

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