Link to form enum

Hey everyone,

I am having an issue with
LINKTOFORM(“Work Order_Form”, “Customer”, [Customer] , “Location” , [Customer Location] , " Work Order Type",[Maintenance] ,“Reason for call” , [Work Order Type], “Maintenance Number”, [Key])

The problem is the “Work Order Type”, [Maintenance] is a enum button but it doesn’t fill this part on the form for some reason.

Please help!


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There seems to be extra space in the column name " Work Order Type" .
You may wish to test with “Work Order Type”


I tried your suggestion however it didn’t work.

I created a column to have the word “maintenance” in it at all times for when I used this LINKTOFORM

I also tried to enter it a different way as best as I know how

LINKTOFORM(“Work Order_Form”, “Customer”, [Customer] , “Location” , [Customer Location] , “Work Order Type”, ‘Maintenance’ ,“Reason for call” , [Work Order Type], “Maintenance Number”, [Key])

However that didn’t work either,

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks again,


There seem to be same name “Work Order Type” but for two different columns in source form being copied and the destination form. Is it intended?

“Work Order Type” from source form is being copied to [Maintenance] column and “Reason for call” to [Work Order Type]

The “Work Order Type” and “Reason for call” are both to be set to maintenance. The only reason I have them from two separate sources was to test functionality. As you can se in the result form it does fill maintenance. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work with the enum buttons?

Thank you. I am afraid , I have no further suggestions. I believe it is some syntactical error. However someone else could help you better.

Thank you

Thank you for your help, as it turns out you were correct and I was using “Maintenance” instead of "Maintenance " which apparently I have the Enum button to be Maintenance with a space after it. I could swear that appsheet used to indicate that you had made an error of this type by putting a yellow triangle beside it but maybe I am just dreaming.

Thanks again Suvrutt!!!

You are welcome. Thank you for the update @Josh_Klassen. Nice to know it now works.

I believe yellow triangles are for broken references.

As for open text values, I believe it is very difficult to detect an error by the system as there could be n number of combinations for a word.

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