Linked Forms for Quote Tool

New Member

I am trying to create my first app and have run into some roadblocks so I am hoping someone can help. My app flow is this:
#1 Select existing customer or add new customer (unique Customer ID)
#2 From the Customer Details, use action to open Step #1 - Quote Details Form (unique Quote Detail ID) that allows the user to use the form multiple times to add materials (item and quantity)- must reference Customer ID automatically (I donโ€™t want my users to have to select the customer from a dropdown list each time)
#3 Once materials have been added, use action to open Step #2 - Customer Quote Form (unique Quote ID) that calculates the sum of all of the materials that were just added and perform further calculations to determine the final price of the quote.

Issue #1 I have set up the actions so the forms will open up but I canโ€™t seem to have the customer ID carry over so they will always link back to the customer.
Issue #2 I need to be able to add multiple materials using a Quote Detail ID that will stay the same for the current quote but change if we need to create a new quote for the customer

I know I am asking for a lot but your help would be greatly appreciated as I am under a tight deadline.

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