Localize not working with LOOKUP() expression

I’m using an extra table for localization. The table is called “Localize” and has 2 columns: [English] and [German].
Under UX > Localize I use this LOOKUP() expression:

This is working good so far.
But I saw that some phrases won’t respect the expression, until the Localize Table was loaded.
These are:

Starting up
Syncing the app
User consent header
Device information consent description
App usage consent description
Location consent description
Identity consent description
User consent footer
Terms of use
Privacy policy

In these cases we have to use text:

With “Starting up” and “Syncing the app” it’s even worse: Even when we use text, it would need one sync to show our own text.

Is there anything we could do about it?
I would like to use expressions in every phrase.

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  • UX

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Platinum 4

I’ve escalated this, asking a developer to chime in. I suspect, though, that some dynamic localization simply won’t be possible, since some messages are displayed before any data is loaded.

With the consent screen becoming optional we probably could start sending the tables to the app with the initial template again, so they would be available for the consent screen localization. The startup screen is more difficult since it’s shown while we’re still fetching the app definition, which contains the localization settings. To show localization there we’d probably need to pre-evaluate some of these server side and embed the result in the html. I think it could be done but would need more investment than a typical bug fix.

Thank you very much @Steve and @Adam for your fast reply and insights.

What about if…
In the Editor we could choose which table does not need a user sign-in.
(AppSheet could even detect this: Every sheet that’s set to “Anyone on the internet with this link can view”. The access mode for this table needs to be set to “As App Creator”.)
Now the table would be loaded even before the user would accept the Consent.
(Usually a Localize Table does not contain sensitive data.)

This would allow localization for:
User consent header
Device information consent description
App usage consent description
Location consent description
Identity consent description
User consent footer
Terms of use
Privacy policy

Would that be possible?

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