Looking for Training & AppSheet Development Person

Am new to this community board and do not know if this the appropriate forum for my question (if not appropriate, apologies in advance):

Want to develop a prototype for a medical app and am looking for an AppSheet developer to work with me online both from a training and development perspective. Have gone through the various tutorials but still have gaps in my understanding which is preventing me to execute certain actions. Am well-versed in Google forms and Google sheets. Thanks.


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Thanks for the shout out, @Grant_Stead

We offer a great live bootcamp for those looking to get familiar with AppSheet, as well as one for those working through the more advanced features.

There are also some helpful pre-recorded OnDemand Training on the site.

Hi Jonathan,
If you are still on the lookout for someone I would be happy to help you, as I am an experienced AppSheet freelancer.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson.56782@gmail.com
Cheers and Have a great day ahead,

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