Lost Data

A couple of days ago I made a duplicate of my deployed App. I do this from time to time so I can try out new ideas on the copy.

In doing this, I have noticed one of my tables has lost an enormous amount of data going back several months. All I have left in the current table (csv file on dropbox) is a couple of days of data.

Any ideas how I can get the lost data back?



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Platinum 4

There's nothing AppSheet can do to get the data back.


I've noticed again this morning, a complete table (csv in dropbox) has been wiped of its data, the table is still there, it's columns are all ok but the table is empty.

Has anyone else experienced this, is it dropbox or the syncing of the app?

This is devastating.

And all data lost from this morning too, I don't understand what is happening.

And this only seems to have happened since this update:


The data is collected for the email, the email succeeds with the data on the template, then the data is wiped from the table.



If you have the spreadsheet on drive, there is a way to look for the lost data on the version history


Hi Ccuadros

This is a csv held on Dropbox not a Google sheet. I have restored an earlier version which means I only lose todays data, not so dramatic. But I am so confused to how my data is lost as the table is intact. I'll monitor this later today to see if the current data again is wiped.


The table has been wiped again, no less than 12 minutes after restoring a previous version??



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