Make a incon list

Iโ€™m making a list of icons that i want to display in a column as refference but it only shows they key values

For example Ronny likes to skate, soccer and baseball
I have a table called sports with an incon on each sport [sport] [logo] key value and thumbnail value respectively

In Ronnyโ€™s profile I have the column MySports that is EnumList type and basetype Ref but it doesnโ€™t shows Ronnyโ€™s preferred sports, instead ir shows the key values, not the thumbnails as icons.

Tables are [People] and [Sports] with the columns [Name][MySports] and [Sport][logo] respectively

0 20 796

Did you make the Thumbnails column also as label?

Yes, is thumbnail type

Maybe because of EnumList type, so the label is not showing?

Yes, the label is showing in detail view as Soccer , Baseball , Tennis
Itโ€™s only when I make the column quick editable that the icons are displayed but too big and being editable isnโ€™t something that should happen. I expected that the icons were displayed to the size of the text.

Hi @Rene_Casana_Amaya,

Is it correct to assume that the โ€œSportsโ€ table has [Sport] name as key and [Logo] as a label with column type thumbnail image?

Is it correct to assume that the 'Sports" table is the child table of the โ€œPeopleโ€ table?

If so, as a workaround, can you have a gallery type inline view of the sports table in the main "People " table?Something like below


Yes, definitely that was my first solution but I didnโ€™t liked that the inline table occupy too much vertical space. with the buttons and the title.

Yes, the image column is marked as label.
Yes the sports table is child of people table.

What Iโ€™d like to do is something like Heru did but with smaller icons and non editable parameters I made a visual example of what I thought that enum list type refference to sports thumbnails was going to display in the detail view:


Hi @Rene_Casana_Amaya,

Thank you for a nice diagram showing your requirements. It is really useful.

As I shared earlier, the gallary view is with the thumbnail size as tiny as encircled in red below. I believe it may not further reduce. If you create a one column read only slice that gallary view may be non editable also.

I am currently unable to think of any other method. May be someone else will have a better idea.


Thanks for the help folks!
I hope my feature request to be neccesary enough haha.

For now Iโ€™ll stick with the current structure:
Profile picture
Soccer - Baseball - Skate

Is this still too big for you?

Or you are expecting something else.

Hi Heru,

Thant enumfield looks neat. Nice.


Heruโ€™s approach is neat and compact. I would suggest to go ahead with it.

Edit: Hi Heru : One quick question. Is the Enumlist column you created editable in detail view or is it non ediatable?

Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar, it is a quickedit column. However, I cannot make it smaller than this picture below, it seems depend on the icon/picture source. Maybe if having a small icon source would do.

Hi @Heru,

Thank you. Being a quick edit column, is it editable in detail view or non editable?

Editable, as I can just use the plus sign and select/remove other icon. Or are you talking other editable?

Thank you @Heru. OK. got it.

@Rene_Casana_Amaya had mentioned he wanted the field non editable and hence suggsted him gallary view. With quick edit field I have not yet tried -enabling it and making it non editable. Do you think that could be possible?

Ahโ€ฆ he want a non editable. I missed to read thatโ€ฆ I thought the issue is about big or smallโ€ฆ

To control the editable, can we use in Editable? with OR(CONTEXT(โ€œViewโ€) = โ€œFormโ€, USERROLE()=โ€œAdminโ€) or something like that?

Not as per my quick testing for both the conditions. You may also wish to test.

Yups, now I know it.

Hi Heru thanks. I believe , our discussion and testing on quick edits for image based enumlist was good

Hi @Rene_Casana_Amaya

I believe if you wish the sports icon to look sleek and within the main detail view, you may use the Enumlist option suggested by @Heru . However the fied will be editable for the user.

Alternatively, you may use gallery view as inline view. Here the icons will appear a bit dettached as they are in inline view. But advantage will be field will be editable in respective inline table , โ€œSportsโ€ , as it is meant to be.

I got to that point but the icons are too big and they shouldnโ€™t be editable.

I think by now iโ€™m gonna stay with the text but Iโ€™ll open a feature request.

-user picture-
[icon] Soccer - Baseball - Tennis - Swimming

I believed what you want is a feature request.

That kind of view is a kind of Card view, maybe to add a feature request for using EnumList as Icon on card view. I can only get to this point below, but now the icon is too small, like this :


Top Labels in this Space