My user can not sync his changes, because he had unsaved changed on a previous version


I added yesterday 2 new columns to my app and updated the stable version of the app from 280 to 291. I did not warn one user, and he did not pay attention to the fact that his changes were stuck on his device. He used this app a looot today and eventually realised there is 120 sync pending. When he tried to force the synchronisation, he gets the classic error 'There is a mismatch in the number of columns between the spreadsheet for Pieces_a_remplacer and the table schema. The table has 11 columns but the schema has 9 columns. Please regenerate the table column structure.\n\nError: Data table 'ControlePIBIIvry-1551390:1.000280:Pieces_a_remplacer' is not available'. He disconnected and reconnected from the app but nothing changed.

I activated the recovery mode => not working. I asked him to go to the page "Show changes" so at least i can copy his data but he tells me that it redirect him to the homepage of the app. Anyway i also need him to save the photos he took so it would not be a perfect solution.

He must not reset his data as we use the app as a proof for our client that we did some work and we are paid based on it. 

The weirdest point is that on the 'About' page, the app version is "1.000291", which is the recent version.

Any idea on how to solve this situation ?

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i have this occasionally,  what i do, i make a copy of the table, then delete the data and the two new columns added, sync until the point it picks up the change, then add the data and columns back, continue syncing till the end.

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