NEW and EDIT (system action buttons) are not working ๐Ÿ˜ฑ, help! ON ANDROID PHONES

Urgent, the NEW system action button is not working on any appsโ€ฆ Please help

0 21 1,335

Where are you talking?

What new button?

Please try to do the same on your phone after sync

On my I phone it is up and running, fyg. Sounds like a device specific issue, problem on android?

The issue is present on my Android phone


On all my apps

Try reinstalling the apps, or clearing their caches.

I cleared the cache and app data - that worked for me. Thanks!!!

Is there other solution?
I have a public app with many users, and tell them to reinstall the app or clear cache is not a real solution.
@Aleksi Is there any other solutions?

No need to reinstall, just clear the cache

Me too, I cannot add nor edit may data on android phone app. When push an action icon, it return a blank page.

New Member

All my apps as well. No edit actions work, they just return a blank page. Does not seem like a device specific issue. Everything was working fine until about four hours ago. Effectively, users can not interact with the apps, which will soon enough start creating operational problems.

About 4 hours ago AppSheet pushed out their daily update.

New Member

Clearing the cache worked for me! But I wouldnโ€™t have thought of that myself, so itโ€™s quite an annoying issue that could have left us stranded for a while. I wonder if Iโ€™ll now have to ask my users to do the same. I agree with Fernando, itโ€™s a pain to try to get all of them to clear the cache.

Especially if the devices are Androids, this is a normal troubleshooting step and quite a common fix for many apps.

I have a catalogue app, with more than 400 users. They can write posts about the items (Using NEW action button), more than 95% have android phones.
They are final users, I think this is not an option, there must be another way to solve this.

That is not really true, I have 2 years developing with appsheet and this is the first time that happens. (Iโ€™m an android user since the first android phone, and never had clear cache app problems)

Plenty true, since I have also used Android since then as well. And every time someone asks me why an app isnโ€™t working correctly, I have them do that and it fixes perfectly, as I do for any of my issues. Caches are routinely the source of issues if they somehow donโ€™t get purged correctly. And sometimes it just happens for seemingly no reason.

I just made a new App and it wouldnt work on my phone untill I uninstlled nd reinstalled appsheet. i hadnt tried just clearing cache as i didnt realise this was a problem. I will try that next time.

New Member

Thank you everyone for reporting the issue and finding a temporary solution to unblock most situation (clearing the cache).
I understand that it might not be suitable for some case and want to apologize for the issue we seem to have introduced in our last deployment today.
Weโ€™re going to investigate this. It is late in westcoast US which is where our entire Dev team is located so we are operating at reduced engineering capacity right now. Cache issues tend to always be super tricky to deal with.
I donโ€™t want to make anything worse with a hasty fix, so weโ€™ll likely wait until we have more eyes looking at the problem, identifying where the regression came from, finding and testing a fix before we redeploy, but I sure hope weโ€™ll get a resolution before our next normal deployment window.
Again our sincere apologies for the annoyance we have created for you.

New Member

Hi everyone, the problem should be resolved now. Let me know if youโ€™re still running into errors.

Just an FYI possibly related to this issue with Appsheet and problems running on Android devices. We saw problems as described above with some of our Android users back on Feb 7 2020. Clearing the cache did not work in a single case. Uninstalling Appsheet completely from their phones and reinstalling did resolve the issues in every case. One thing I did notice is that most of the Android devices that had problems were Samsung devices (old and new), but all were on the Verizon network and had recently had a security update to Android 9 (Pie).

Today Feb 19 2020, we have had more Android users with what appears to be the same problems. Again, an uninstall of Appsheet and reinstall has resolved the problem in each case (clearing cache for Appsheet did not work). โ€˜Mostโ€™ of the devices have again been Samsung and ALL have been users of the AT&T network this time. Each had recently either had a system update pushed out or had one waiting to be installed.

This appears to be somehow related to an Android update, but so far it seems to have severely effected only Appsheet apps. Having to uninstall and reinstall Appsheet is a pain as a solution, especially for remote users and/or users that arenโ€™t that well versed technically on their devices. But at least the uninstall and reinstall of Appsheet has resolved our issues in every case.

If there was some changes and/or resolution that Appsheet put in place a couple weeks agoโ€ฆ the issue might have resurfaced! Just wanted to make you aware and give you some specifics that weโ€™ve observed with our users. iOS users have not been effected.

BTW, this has also resolved an issue where some of these users were constantly seeing the โ€˜Aboutโ€™ screen for each app every time thy loaded or synced their apps.


Hi @Teo, thanks for sharing that. Weโ€™re working on a permanent fix for this problem and your feedback is helpful. Iโ€™m going to share this with the dev team.

Samsung, just for your own knowledge, likes to make small and usually not-Google-approved changes to the Android OS. And its possible as Google pushes security updates, the bugs Samsung (or certain other Android vendors) introduced I suspect are the main issues. I use Google Pixel devices personally, and the security patches have never broken anything on AppSheet for me.

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