Need a Deep Link inside SMS Bot message


1. I have a Bot working that sends my custom SMS message about a new Meeting scheduled.

New <<Club Abrev>> Meeting, <<Meeting Date>> Only <<Days <>> away! Please confirm your Role as Greeter asap.

But, after this, I need a SHORT Deep Link that will take the person into my app to see only their specific Role confirmation, for that one Meeting.  Using another Bot/Email I have it working great, but I don't know how to set this up with SMS.

This is the Link that I include in my Bot Email Template Documents and it works perfectly to send person directly into that particular meeting, to that particular Role confirmation View from a Slice that only contains that Role &  Confirmation.  Because this concatenated link is so long, it will not work in my SMS because it gets cut in half and sent in two SMS messages.  I need a much shorter, and more elegant link to appear in my SMS messages. <<concatenate(โ€œโ€,linktorow([_ComputedKey], โ€œConfirm Greeterโ€))>>. I am thinking that it might be better to build this link inside the app and display something much cleaner inside the Emails that are delivered.  How do I do this? My Google Doc Template will not let me turn this long concatenated link into a cleaner Link because it is not a proper URL.  Also, I can't just run this concatenated link through a URL-shortener because it is not seen as a real URL.

It seems easier with the Bot/Notification system because it has a field for Deep Links. It would be nice if SMS had something similar. I don't want to send people into the entirety on my App, only to ONE tiny View to choose a Confirmation choice, then exit the App.

2. I hate to double-ask, but it's related to these individual Confirmation Views. I need to be able to have the App automatically close & disappear from the person's view as soon as they click the circle sync button at top right of screen, after making their confirmation choice. I don't want Members to access the rest of the App after making their confirmation choice, as is currently the case.

I have another "Sign Up" app that also needs the same ability to close app after Sync/Save button clicked.

Thank you Very Much!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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There is a  HYPERLINK() function.  However, I am not certain how well it works in SMS text messaging.  

While you cannot feed you entire URL expression into a URL-shortner because of its dynamic nature, you COULD get a shorter URL for the portion that navigate to the view and the use that concatenated with the variable parts to get the full link.

Unfortunately, there is NO way to force closing of the app.  The best you can do is to hide everything so the user simply sees a blank app screen.

A Better Option?

You do have the option of a Dynamic or Embedded App email which I think might be perfect for your whole Confirmation view process.   I have not used them yet but as I understand it you can have the email recipient submit responses with NO explicit app access.  

Send embedded app view email from an automation


ty WMS, good suggestions.  I have somewhat solved shortening my DeepLink, but not for SMS, but email.  I have shelved sending SMS for now, if I end up using more SMS, I will use Twillio which allows longer messages & better message formatting.  For shortening my email Deep Links, the below comment by @Steve was very helpful. This makes it so my email recipient only sees a short blue link "Click here to confirm your Role" instead of the long three line Concatenated link.

I solved the "App staying open" issue by creating two read-only views just for non-Admin "Users" so after the average Member makes their confirmation choice, they are still in the App but only see limited  views & data that "Users" (non-Admin) are allowed to see. It's working great.

Unfortunately I can't use the cool new Dynamic Embedded App email feature because that will only work if recipient is using Gmail.



Yep, @hat's the HYPERLINK() function.

Having two apps is what I would do as well if I didn't have another choice.

For Dynamic/Embedded app emails, it is my understanding that you can send limited "cross_domain" emails.    I believe this means sending emails to recipients non-Google email when your AppSheet domain is Google - or similar scenario.

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