Need button that will change True to False in one column of every row

I have a simple checklist.  it has a yes/no column, that i use to check things off.   once i am done with the list i need a way to click a button that would change ALL entries in the yes/no column to done.

Can anybody point me in the right direction


Thanks for your assistance!

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Yes/No columns cannot have other values; so you can't put "done" as a value. You can either:

  • Use an Enum column instead, or
  • have another flag column that you'd conditionally display (and hide the yes/no column), or
  • keep your column as Yes/No and change one of its "No"/"Yes" values to "done" based on the value of the new flag column.

I'm pretty new too but I think you'd have to create a column for this "check all" button. Call it [Select All], made as a single choice Enum. I'm assuming this checklist is a form, btw.

Then in all the Yes/No columns you want it to change go to the Update Behaviour>Reset and enter a formula like

[_THISROW_BEFORE].[Select All]<>[Select All]

Which is basically just "if the value of [Select All] changes, reset this column. Why are we resetting it? So we can use Initial value to determine if everything's checked or not. I am assuming you're using actual Yes/No columns otherwise you'll have to substitute whatever your actual values are.


[Select All]="Selected",


And you just put that in everything you want [Select All] to change.

@Joseph_Seddik wrote:

keep your column as Yes/No and change one of its "No"/"Yes" values to "done" based on the value of the new flag column.

This is, of course, correct. I've written a tip about this that may be helpful:

I regard to a single action that changes everything to "Done", this sounds like a global setting for the app.  I have a table for such settings.  There are a few steps involved in setting it up but a key to successful implementation is he use of INDEX() as I describe here:


  1. Create a New Action (Action 1) 
    1. Select table with yes/no column
    2. Do this: Data: set the valaues of some columns in this row
    3. Set these columns: Yes/No Column = ("Done"/TRUE)
  2. Create a New Action (Action 2) 
    1. Referenced table: table with yes/no column
    2. Do this: Data: Execute an action on a set of rows
    3. Referenced table: table with yes/no column
    4. Referenced Rows: Table Name[Yes/No Column Name]
    5. Referenced Action: Action 1

in your point 2.4 "referenced rows"   i put        packList[checked] 

the table name is packList ;    the yes/no column is  [checked] 

so in action 2 i am getting an error:  The value '=packList[checked]' of data action 'trigger_uncheck_all' does not match the expected type List or its expected type details

packList[checked] is a List type since it has the syntax table_name[{column_name}] so it seems like the type details are mismatched. What properties do you have set on the [checked] column?

the [checked] column is "Yes/No"    the default is NO.  once an item is packed, we click on an action that will mark it Yes  

i can make it work when in a tableview, and i have an action icon that i click to marked it packed(Yes), or another icon to mark it unpacked(No)

BTW, appreciate your help

Hmm... Would you mind sharing some screenshots of your actions? 

but what i need is a "Primary" button on the tableview, that resets all [checked] to "No"

I would like a primary button similar to the "add a record" (+ sign)  that will change all Checked items to NO

all rows,   the N = NOall rows, the N = NOslice of items packed  "Y"slice of items packed "Y"slice of items Not packedslice of items Not packed

I don't think you can have a primary button for that action on a table view. You could use a dashboard with 2 views to workaround this. Screen Shot 2024-04-19 at 9.21.39 AM.png

The top "Administration view" is a detail view that is only showing a hidden 'row number' column and the action is set to prominent 

i understand what you are saying and will set it up.  Thanks

i got it set up looks similar to what you put above,  now how do i wire up the button.  the button is on the screen

One workaround is to add one table with an YN column and only with one row. If you use LINKTOROW(), you can open the form view like a confirmation, and then "Execute an action on a set of rows" can update all rows in your table.

i set up the additonal table with Y/N column, wth one row.   i built a dashboard with a detail form of the new single entry table.   i have the reset button on the new form.  now i need help with the code for the button


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