New Bug Encountered:Attachment' template properties could not be obtained due to Google drive Internal Server Error 500

I am encountering the following error which is not allowing me to send emails via workflow rules.

Attachmentโ€™ template properties could not be obtained due to Google drive Internal Server Error 500

I have enabled permissions for AppSheet to access my Google Drive account โ€ฆAnother Appsheet application linked to the same Drive account with similar workflow rules works fineโ€ฆ Any ideas as to what maybe be causing this error?

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Are you still seeing this eror message?

Update: Transferred AppSheet application, schema and documents to an alternate Google account . Workflow rules run as expected.

The error appears to be related to the use of Google Docs for workflow rules exclusively.

Permissions to access the drive by AppSheet appear to be working fine and the App updates and allows reads/writes/updates to Google Sheets but for some reason Google blocks requests to access the Google Doc template used for workflow rules.


Is that gDocs in your own account and you are the owner?


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