New Bug Encountered: Workflow Emails are NOT being sent as of 2 days ago

Hi as of monday of this week emails are not been sent. We have a workflow that gets triggered when an order is updated. Looking at the log it states the following but we have not made any changes to the app.
The error stated in the log is:

“Errors”: “Error: Workflow rule ‘Email Order’ action ‘Save a copy’ Body template. Expression ‘[TotalLinea]’ is invalid due to: Unable to find column ‘TotalLinea’, did you mean ‘TotalOrden’?.”,

  "AppTemplateName": "CocinaCaseraDB-811278",
  "AppId": "222d66bc-c33a-41e3-85dd-f25caeaff3d5",
  "AppTemplateVersion": "1.000705",
  "RuleName": "Email Order",
  "EventType": "Change",
  "InvokedBy": "Update",
  "Server": "prodv2-lb-9",
  "TableName": "EncabezadoOrdenes",
  "RuleTableName": "EncabezadoOrdenes",
  "OperationUpdateMode": "UPDATES_ONLY",
  "EventMatch": "Workflow event successfully matched",
  "Condition": "=[Confirmada]=True",
  "MatchesCondition": "True",
  "ActionNotPerformed": "1 errors present.",
  "ActionResults": "Created 1 ActionResults",
  "Action Name": "Save a copy",
  "RecordedAt": "2019-07-18T02:07:25.4852613Z",
  "Errors": "Error: Workflow rule 'Email Order' action 'Save a copy' Body template. Expression '[TotalLinea]' is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'TotalLinea', did you mean 'TotalOrden'?.",
  "DocName": "Attachments/ORD_vg60huek_Cus_James McFarlane20190718_020725_485.pdf",
  "FileName": "/appsheet/data/CocinaCaseraDB-811278/Attachments/ORD_vg60huek_Cus_James McFarlane20190718_020725_485.pdf",
  "MimeType": "application/pdf",
0 7 533
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