New Google Drive URL Situation

I am trying to tackle the changes needed to Google Drive URLs, but the couple of quick attempts I have made don't seem to be working...

For example (picking an easy one, maybe), for the "app logo" or "launch image," I currently have a URL like this:

I tried changing it to: 

That does not seem to work.

Can anyone share the right URL construction that won't be damaged starting on May 1st?


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You can try replacing your urls with
shared by @romulo_torres 

View solution in original post


Would it be fine to save the image to your Drive and then select it from the settings?

Most of the images I use are saved in Google Drive, but this is the way I construct the links:

Apparently the "uc" part of it is what is going to change, but I don't how I am supposed to rewrite the URL to make it work after tomorrow...

You don't need to use URL. Just save the image to Drive and select it for your app logo.

I see that now! Looks like that works for the logo and launch image. Thanks!

I still have many URLs in my apps that rely on the "uc?" URL construction...Is there another way to write the URLs that won't be a problem after today's deadline?

As I understood the update, if you want to use a link to display images, you should replace them with another source, like imgur.

For the ex. you provided, you can just do as Aleksi said and use thisbaba_sawane_0-1714459252647.png


Is there no way to rewrite the URLs that I'm already using to make Google Drive work for images still? I have too many images in too many different apps to move everything to another service...

You can try replacing your urls with
shared by @romulo_torres 

Hey, that works! Thanks!

Is it necessary to have the size in the URL? Also, what if the file is not an image? Will your idea work on other files?

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