Open Map close to my location

Hey guys,

I’m building an app with a map view. For some reason, when I click on the map icon it opens in some random location instead of opening close to where I am at the moment.

My location settings are turned on and appsheet is allowed to use my location.

What should I do in order to either create a button to zoom in my current position or to automatically open the map close to me??


2 15 1,395

Are you looking at it on your phone or in the editor on your PC?
I’ve seen it open to some random location when using the editor on PC before, but seems to act correctly when on a phone.

I’m using it on my phone, that’s why it seems so strange.

I am looking at the same issue.
It seems that it positions the map based on the Long-Lot of the 1st row.
How to position the map based on the phone GPS? with HERE() for example?

The System Generated “View Map” shows
App link target = CONCATENATE("#page=map&table=398%20Store%20Que&mapcolumn=Long%20-%20Lot&row=", ENCODEURL([_THISROW]))

All views are intended to display table data. I doubt there’s a way to plot and center on an arbitrary point (like HERE()).

What you could try (I haven’t tested) is creating a small table with one row and two columns: one column is the key, the other a virtual column with an app formula of HERE(). You could then use this small table as the map’s primary data table and the other table to be mapped as the secondary data table.

When I use the (+) button to add a new row on a Map View, it brings the Form View and there when I lick the Map View it positions the map at my GP location.

I want to replicate the same in Map View - to show the map with row locations relative to phone GPS location.

I don’t think that’s possible.

All views are intended to display table data. I doubt there’s a way to plot and center on an arbitrary point (like HERE() ).

What you could try (I haven’t tested) is creating a small table with one row and two columns: one column is the key, the other a virtual column with an app formula of HERE() . You could then use this small table as the map’s primary data table and the other table to be mapped as the secondary data table.

Unfortunately this ends up zooming out to show all of the secondary data. Great for a summary … junky if you a zoomed in view is actually what you want.

Any sample Appsheet app out there that always positions the map relative to your GPS location?

I’m trying to do this too. Seems the default behavior would be to zoom the map to the user’s current location. How can I set this up?

the same as I thought, for the application that I created, there are conditions where I or other users need quick access in a map view to show where my location is

New Member

At one time I thought this was default. I have a list of over 2,000 addresses mapped and when I used to pull up the map it would show me the closest 200 based on my current location. In the UX>Options tab under maps am able to adjust the number of locations. Now I’ve come back to the same app a few months later and the map opens on some random location (or maybe the first address in my table).

What changed?

Yes indeed it worked and my application also showed the current location when I clicked on the geosign. Then everything changed and in this thread they now write that this is not possible. Very strange. It worked! Why are the developers silent on this topic?

I opened a case and was told that this was never the behavior:

“AppSheet never supported a ‘center location’ feature in Map view, the default behavior is to load all the locations and put them in the map.
However, when these pins are more than 200, AppSheet limit the view to the first 200 and this might generate the false idea that AppSheet is centering the map.”

Which is clearly not true - I am hopeful that someone will dig in and figure out what has actually changed and fix this issue, but since they’re actually denying it at this point idk if that’s a pipe dream or what…

I have need for the same feature. I have sales teams around the country who want to see their location as they go out for the day. It’s a major pain to zoom in every time.

Odd to not have this behavior since it’s a basic part of any map app I’ve ever used.

Maybe you could use this workaround:

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