Order of days of the week

Hi guys -

So I have a de-ref that pulls in the [Scheduled Day of the Week] from another spreadsheet, via the Key, [Client Name].

This works.

However, Iโ€™m trying to display this in a view so that I have everyoneโ€™s schedule together, and the only option is for the order to be ascending or descending, which results in a weird order that does not make sense. I want the order to be: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

How do I accomplish this?

0 8 224

Post here your expression to help.
Anyway, the only way for now is by adding a number at the begginning.

Months Days on a week
01-January 01-Monday
02- February 02-Tuesday
โ€ฆ โ€ฆ

Seriously??? There has to be a better way! this would majorly mess things up for us. Please tell me about something better.

Well, it depends.
If you want it sorted inside the app, there is no better way I know.
If you want to show sorted items from an expression that returns a list (for a template, for example), you could use ORDERBY() and order the items using another column as @Austin_Lambeth said.
Where you need to sort the data?

Create an Enum column. Set the columnโ€™s allowed values. Order the allowed values as desired. Store the derefed values in this column. Sort the view on this column.

This is why Enum columns allow you to order the allowed values: to set the sort order.

Does this apply for suggested values instead of hardcodded into the config?


I donโ€™t believe so.

Steve, you son a gun! the best!!

Feel like a weekday column type would be nice.
Can make a VC that takes day of week and turns it into a number then sort on the vc. I donโ€™t know if the VC has to be on the table but could put it as the last column.

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