Overlap in lastname


I would like to adjust the label of a table on the basis of lastname. It should show [firstname] if all firstnames are different. If two firstname are the same it should show the initials from the last name as well. This part I can do.

The tricky part is when the first letter of the lastname is the same as well (or maybe even two letters). How can this overlap be found?

Example of what it should be with 5 entries:

John Wick = John
Marry Hood = Marry H
Marry King = Marry K
Abba Doodle = Abba Doo
Abba Doctor = Abba Doc

In python I would have done it with a for loop but is there a way in appsheet to make this happen?

Solved Solved
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It sounds like your table's designated label column is a virtual column. What's the App formula expression you're already using for the column? You may need to replicate that structure to nested alternatives for as many last name letters as you want to account for.  

View solution in original post


It sounds like your table's designated label column is a virtual column. What's the App formula expression you're already using for the column? You may need to replicate that structure to nested alternatives for as many last name letters as you want to account for.  

Sorry for the late reply. So you'd have to initially choose the amount of letters you're accounting for. I hoped for a more variable way, but thank you very much for your reply.

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