Possible to group and collapse/expand data to

Possible to group and collapse/expand data to view it or close it when you donโ€™t?

For example: On the detail_view of a table, is there a way to group and collapse data so a user can choose what content they want to see?

6 10 1,928

Not just yet. It is on our roadmap.

Another vote for this.

Is this still on the roadmap? It is coming up to 6 years at this point.

Another Vote on top of the Votes. This will help make some inventory apps feasible as well. Click on category, ave some sub categoryโ€™s, than click on of those, and see the items,

Could make allot of ideas I have become allot more feasible and user friendly.

Iโ€™m glad to hear from @praveen that this is on the road map. I know that decisions about how much priority to give individual improvements can be influenced by votes for feature requests so Iโ€™d like to encourage @Jonathan_S, @Scott_Hall, @Luis_Deniz and anyone else who may see this to vote for the feature request I have made if you have not already done so:

I vote for this. Would be a great functionalily

Another vote here, collapsible inline views and action menus would be incredible.

If we could have inline Detail views as โ€˜childโ€™ views within a โ€˜parentโ€™ Detail view, this could behave somewhat like a dropdown, because you could have inline enum buttons filtering the slice controlling the parent view. Accordingly, you could control what inline views are being shown in the โ€˜parentโ€™ Detail view and this would be close to a collapse/expand behavior. Alternatively, enabling enum buttons in any other view would also achieve this end.

One more Voteโ€ฆ really helpful with large dataset

I vote for this - July 31st 2021

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