Preventing original company logging into our App after work is finished

If company A develops an APP for us and then we find a new developer B to do more work on our APP, is there a way we can make sure company A no longer has access to the appsheet account? There seems to be no option to expunge all logged in users like gmail has to be 100% sure.

We can change the password, but we see that company A used the ‘remember me’ option they still have access - Are we hallucinating or is this correct?

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Pizza_Dubai

Did the company A transferred ownership to you ?
You may want to get the ownership of the app, then in the editor you will add developper B as a new user with “can edit definition” option.

Company A should be removed from any access. Then, they can’t log in anymore.
The “remember me” option will have no impact on this access.

Thank you for helping us understand this and based on your question 'Did company A transfer ownership to you '?, the correct answer would be no and here is why.

When we reached out to the company, it was decided to create a new google account for the app, which we all shared access to, to build the app under. So, there in lies our problem - when it was finished we never transferred it to another google account. We assumed it had a force logout option for all as it was owned by Google - our mistake.

I guess we need to transfer it to our main account and then retest all the actions. Does everything automatically come over - like a bundled package; the data in the drive folder, the scripts, logos etc and and essentially it is plug and play - only having to add in the access details to log in and it ‘should’ just work’?

Hi @Pizza_Dubai

you may find all the answers to your questions here:

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