Problems with PDF

I created a workflow with a pdf  and actions to save it but im getting the same error message


'Attachments/apples.pdf' not found

Probable cause: N/A

  • Path: Root
    Result: FAILURE
    Message: N/A
    • Path: Root
      Result: FAILURE
      Message: N/A
      • Path: Root
        Result: Success
      • Path: Root
        Result: FAILURE
        Message: N/A
        • Path: Root
          Result: FAILURE
          Message: N/A
          • Path: Root
            Result: FAILURE
            Message: N/A, Searching for 'Attachments', File entry not found
        • Path: Root
          Result: FAILURE
          Message: N/A, Searching for 'apples.pdf', File entry not found

How do I fix this so when I click on the app icon it will show me the pdf ?

0 8 1,090

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @quamie911 


What you describe here is a common issue ๐Ÿ™‚

Attachments/apples.pdf is the relative path, from your default app folder, to your file.

I assume that if you look into your Drive, you won't find it here, but rather in Files/apples.pdf

You may want to set the file value as this instead.

I explained a way to deal with it few month ago, if that may help, that consists into writing down the relative path first, then use this in order to send it. But you can also send it directly without saving it, it's as you want.

Here are my explanations:



sorry it took so long for my reply .

Iโ€™ve tried fallowed your simple step, by step . I can get the pdf in my drive folder and open it no problem. But when I try to open it in the app it says the same thing. Here are some screen shots

I have the same problem and i tried everything. 

How did you resolve your problem?


Hi! I got a solution for my problem, because I had a button which did an action which put other name ("ident-[id].PDF"). But I deleted this button and my app is running now. Maybe you have the same error: 


I had seen your Link and I don't know what's wrong because before my solution I got the same error than you and I saw a lot of AppSheet Q&As about this saying the same solution: "You don't put the PDF File in the right folder" and I cheked my PDF and my folder and all is right.


The other things that I changed:

- Default app Folder



- App Formula in PDF field and Image/File folder path



I hope you find a solution!

This is the correct way to specify the folder path




Right now it works, but thanks for the information, to put it correctly!

@vicoor  Welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

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