Question about scheduled reports and sync We...

Question about scheduled reports and sync

We started testing our iPad-based app today. Our operators use the app in the field, and they’re online while they do (default state on our iPad).

I don’t use the automatic sync since that’s too slow given their connection; waiting for every new record to sync takes too long.

The operators shut down the iPad when they quit at 8pm.

I have instructed them to do a sync before they shut down the iPad, but if they get busy they can easily forget to sync manually before shutdown. The device will sync when they launch the app the next morning (I have it set up to sync on start).

So, my questions:

Does any data get saved to the AppSheet servers while the app is online even if no sync has been initiated? Do reports use data on the backend or on the AppSheet server? In other words, will the reports still run and contain the day’s data even if there hasn’t been a sync?

I’m testing this scenario tonight, but I thought I’d ask anyway since I should know all that.


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