Related data from others tables

Hello, my english it’s not that good, I hope made myself clear,

I don’t know how to describe my problem, I have 3 tables,
orders, details, products

On my home view I have a list of orders by serial number, 0001, 0002, 0003 etc.

on my detail order view I have some fields about the order: date, total, taxes, etc.
inside this detail order I have a table with my products on that order, in this table, I only have the serial order and the id from the product and quantity.

I want in this table show the products names, not only the id, I have the table already with the id products but I don’t know how to show the name of the product.

maybe already exists a video explaining this but I can’t find the words looking for my problem, the videos I have found only uses 2 tables.

hope you can help me.
thank you in advance.

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If product is a ref field type and id is the key column for it, then the name will be accessible to a virtual (or real) column as [product].[name]

View solution in original post


If product is a ref field type and id is the key column for it, then the name will be accessible to a virtual (or real) column as [product].[name]

Hello, thank you for your reply, now I get it!, when you have ref field type it became into an array with all the data about that record!
thank again for your help!

Yes you got it. Good luck with your app.

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