Remove numbers from ref views


I don't want to see numbers in the ref which is as shown in the attachment

Let me know how can we remove it 

Thanks in advance 


0 8 238

AFAIK, it's not possible to suppress that row count if the column heading is shown. If it otherwise meets your need, you can exclude all column headings in a detail view.



If i make detail view with no headings it looks very odd though .!!

If it mattered enough, you could select "No headings" and then use show type columns to simulate headings for the columns you want to label.

I am doing the same thing 


Thank you 

Are you looking for this arrangement for the app being used in mainly mobile devices?

There could be a workaround ( of course a bit longish) to achieve the needful. The work around will look better in mobile view and it will work in desktop also but not in so intuitive manner.

What is that work around @Suvrutt_Gurjar 

the workaround is to use the dashboard view with interactive mode. 

In the gif below, once the user selects the customer record, the detail and related customer order view are displayed. The related view of orders of the customer does not have the record count.

Related Views.gif

With a LINKTOROW() action that navigates to the dashboard view, it will look still better. The dashboard view will have the detail and related records view. The LINKTOROW() action can be set as row selected action in the summary table view.Related Views -2.gif

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