Report Template Syntax for combine two diff tables not working

I make a report generator and tries to combine two different tables however it returns error. I am not sure whether I am doing it right with the syntax. Can anyone help? 
Here is the link:



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What is the error message? One thing.. you are using this syntax here and there <<Report Generator Aduan[Receiver Name]>> where the result is a list. You probably need to see one value from that table and it would be better to use for example LOOKUP().

It is not a list though, It is supposed to send back the information that user fill in for the report generator table. 

Error message when testing: 

  • Error 1 : Task 'Send an email' Attachment template. Expression 'W‏‏ork Order No‏‏' is invalid due to: Expression refers to undefined field.
  • Error 2 : Task 'Send an email' Attachment template. Expression 'N‏‏o Telefon Pengadu' is invalid due to: Expression refers to undefined field.
  • Error 3 : Task 'Send an email' Attachment template. Expression 'Jaba‏‏tan Pengadu' is invalid due to: Expression refers to undefined field.
  • Error 4 : Task 'Send an email' Attachment template. Expression 'Ca‏‏p Masa' is invalid due to: Expression refers to undefined field.

More details for this:



User should be able to select multiple documents and generate report for each but value for the name and position should stay same for all report. Can I know more about the VLOOKUP tho?

When you are using a formula where the syntax is TableName[ColumnName] as you have Report Generator Aduan[Receiver Name], the result is always a list, even if it has only value as a result. The result is not a string, it's a list.

As per the error message, it sounds the template is not able to find those columns from your table you are referring. First check that the <<Start:[Work Order], [Report Generator Aduan]>>  is correct. [Report Generator Aduan], what is the column type? Is the [Work Order] generating list of Key column values with your SELECT()?

Report Generator Aduan is another table I am referring to. Another table is Work Order. Sorry, I did not quite understand your last question.  

So.. your syntax is then wrong. When using Start: expression, you can only refer to one table and the result needs to be a list of key column values.. even if you have just one record. Write it like <<Start: YourTableName[KeyColumnName]>> if you don't need to filter any rows away. Then check if it still throws an error.

PM saya jika perlu bantuan. Saya lihat ada syntax yang salah.

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