Reset Virtual Column Value

Hi All

I have a table that has a virtual column that I want to use to show messages based on the input, however the column seems to hold the last value.

How can I reset it to BLANK so that it starts the form blank.

Thank you

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Please post a screenshot demonstrating the unwanted behavior. Please also post a screenshot of the virtual column’s complete App formula expression.

This is the formula in the column:
IF(ANY(SELECT(BOOKINGS[No Players], ([GNAME] = [_THISROW].[GNAME])))>=ANY(SELECT(BOOKINGS[Max], ([GNAME] = [_THISROW].[GNAME]))),“This game has already the Max Players allowed. If you continue, you will be waitlisted as per the rules.”,"")

This is the screen when you enter it. MSG should be blank and only appear if the condition is met.

Thank you

I don’t understand what your App formula expression is doing. Please explain what you want it to do using plain language and no AppSheet terms.

If the [No of Players] of a the selected [GAME] is >= the [Maximum] allowed players for the game, set the text in the field to “his game has already the Max Players allowed. If you continue, you will be waitlisted as per the rules.” or “” if the condition is false.

I hope this explains it better.

          ([GNAME] = [_THISROW].[GNAME]),
          ([No Players] >= [Max])
  “This game has already the Max Players allowed. If you continue, you will be waitlisted as per the rules.”

Thank you. Worked !!!

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