SUM values of identical items in a list of products

Hello and sorry for my poor English language :)I

I spent a long time to try alone with no success. Any help will be very appreciated!
I want to summarize shift daily and annual work making pallets of products.

I created  tables for "shifts", "production", "products" and "summary" (or report)
In "summary" I want to display a list of product with the quantity of pallets made.
I tried to search and select in a list from  "production", the different products with the corresponding amount of pallets to make calculation on them.
However, I have now 50 Products which could increase later. How can i solve my problem? SUM(SELECT(production[Total Pallets],[Product]=??? ))
Have I to make a Virtual Column for each product which is a lot or is there another option ? I hope the attached can help to understand my need.

SUM of different product pallets per day
SUM total

Thanks a lot for any help.
Kind regards

Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2023-11-04 aฬ€ 19.26.59.png

Solved Solved
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It needs something like this..


<<Start: ORDERBY(SELECT([Related Prodlines][ID],[ID]=MAXROW(โ€œProdLineโ€,โ€DateTimeโ€,AND([SummaryID]=[_THISROW].[ID],[Product]=[_THISROW-1].[Product]))),[Product],FALSE)>><<[Product]>>

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