Show image in second step of deck view along with the text


I want to add an image in second step of deck view along with the title and when click it goes to other step. So it will be easy to understand the category. Is there any way to add this option? I tried different ways but no luck.


Thank you

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Could you elaborate what you mean by "second step of deck view?"

Maybe some screenshots will help.

Hi Gurjar,

In deck view, I have added a grouping  so on starting it will show all Product - > click on the all product it again grouped to category - > when click on the particular category again it will show all sub-category related to the category. In sub-category group I can see only the title of subcategory as the screenshot. I want to show the image of that subcategory along with the title. Thank you



I'm guessing he means drill-down grouping "Steps". I can't imagine any way to show both an image and a text in a single group-by step. An option I can envision is to start on a Gallery view, with shows image and label by default, then specify a row-select behavior that uses LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW to go to your Deck view, with a different set of groupings.

Oh , okay , got it @Fleet_Cruisin 

But I believe if you group deck view, then it automatically happens as the below video shows.

The settings of the deck view are as follows



Thank you Gurjar

I am getting image in last product section. But is there any chance to show the image in middle group?

Okay, if you just group by category and subcategory , you will get sub-category with respective images as shown below.

The view settings are as below



I got one solution for that. I am not sure if that's the correct way, but it's working for me. 

I created one separate table and added all categories over there with image of sub categories. I mean a table with category, sub-category, child-category and final part name and image of sub-category. Image and sub-category marked as label too. After that I called all categories, in my product table from that table using reference, EnumList. And its showing images when we reach sub-category section in deck view.

Thank you.

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