Sms text to multiple phone numbers

Sending text messages via the phone works great from within apps.
Click on the workflow icon and it opens up the proper app on the phone.

Can we send to a list of phone numbers to our phone message app so that it populates as a group and when we then send the message it goes to multiple phones ?

I used this code ANY(Client[PhoneNumber]) but it only populates one phone number …

1 6 1,134

Did you figure this out yet? Sounds like a useful tool.

Nope not yet , it might not be doable. I am still asking. This is what I want.
I want a list of phone numbers that is recognized by the app ! Can it be done ?

The group that was beta testing my app has now gone into covid-19 lock down again so we cannot meet at their facilities. It is a bit of a slow down for sure. I have gone back to a python project and will be focusing on this again soon.

Any brings the first value.

True enough James. I am looking for something like this Client[PhoneNumber] but it does not work. I get an error about the expected type being a phone number. I want a list that is recognized by the app ! Can it be done ?

¿Do you know what code could use to send that message in all my users?

Hello, This concept might help. But I dont know how to do it on app.

 after clicking the hyperlink. This show up

Haven't try it yet. Will evaluate tomorrow. Hope this will help

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