So confused..!

Iโ€™ve been working on this app for days! I canโ€™t figure out workflow rules to change status of both shipments and driversโ€ฆ When a shipment is assigned to a driver I need the driver status to show busy and the shipment status to show in progressโ€ฆ And then vice versa when shipment is deliveredโ€ฆ I have shipment and driver tablesโ€ฆ I can not figure this outโ€ฆ Please help meโ€ฆ

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Hi Chris! Welcome to AppSheet!

I can understand your frustration. Iโ€™m an ordinary AppSheet user whoโ€™s been around for a couple of years now but I still find myself getting confused on a fairly regular basis โ€“ though Iโ€™ve gained a fair amount of knowledge and skill thanks to the help Iโ€™ve gotten on this forum.

It may be necessary to know more about the structure of your tables, etc. but I can try to start by making some general observations.

On an app Iโ€™m working on, I use a workflow rule to change the value of one column when something happens in another column. The workflow rule triggers an action that does the actual changing. If thatโ€™s what you need to do, the first thing youโ€™ll need is one or maybe two actions (if youโ€™re new to AppSheet and donโ€™t know what an action is, let me know): One to change the value of the โ€œdriverโ€ (or whatever the name is) column on its table and another to change the value of the โ€œshipment statusโ€ column on its table. Then, the workflow will trigger those actions when a shipment is assigned.

Also, sometimes itโ€™s not necessary to write something to a table to get a change in display. AppSheet has something called โ€œVirtual columnsโ€ that can use values from real columns to determine what should be displayed. So, you might be able to have a virtual column that displays โ€œbusyโ€ as the status for your driver when he/she gets assigned based on information in other columns. If a virtual column will work to do this in your case, that will probably be better. If my experience, the less writing to and reading from the spreadsheet the better.

All of this depends on the structure of your app. If you can add descriptions and/or screenshots of tables etc. that will probably make it easier for us to help you.

I tried the virtual comlumn thing but no luck. As of now, I can get the driver to show busy when they are assigned to a shipment. But the shipment does not show In progress when they are assigned. In Driver table the driver email is the key. In the shipment table the driver column REF the driver table. Maybe because its a REF column but I canโ€™t find a way to change status on shipment table to In progress when adding the driverโ€ฆ

The thing about virtual columns is that you need to learn to use the โ€œexpressionsโ€ (formulas) that make them work. Thatโ€™s the hard part. Iโ€™ve gotten better but the learning curve with expressions has been fairly steep for me.

I think that following up with @Lynn is probably the best strategy. Learning from apps that other people have put together has been a primary way in which Iโ€™ve learned.

Thank youโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll try to get with @Lynnโ€ฆ

Hi @Pcullc Ipt the app in my protfolio. It may give you some ideas for changing data in other tables.

Also check out this doc.

Thanks for sharing @Lynn!

Hi @Pcullc I have recently made a demo app to show how this is done as I hadnt done this before and wanted to know how it worked. If you havent figured it out and would like to have a look let me know and I will put it in my portfolio. There is a very long how to page in Info>Properties> Details of app documentation section.

Yes, that would be VERY helpful! Thank you!.

@Pcullc, the example @Lynn provides is spot on (nice example Lynn!)
She has a workflow rule that fires when a new Job is added.

This fires an action called โ€˜Get Drivers to Updateโ€™ on the Jobs table. WHat does that action do? Check the definition here:

Youโ€™ll see that it gets a list of Drivers and then on each of them, applies the action โ€˜Update Drivers Tableโ€™

Thank you so much @Lynn
That is helping very much.

@Pcullc Great. The Info tab has step by step instructions .

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