Struggling to attach image to PDF from grandchild table

Hi, I think this is a simple issue but I'm having trouble with it.

I have a Parent Table titled "Trip" and Id Column "Trip ID"

Child Table titled "Trip Expense" and Id Column "Trip Expense ID"

Grandchild Table titled "Expense Receipt". Id Column for this is "Expense Receipt ID" and "Expense Receipt Photo" is a picture of the receipt.

I'm trying to send a PDF with the expense report and include the images of the related receipts.

How do I write the expression?

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It's hard to help with no real-life use case.
But in general, you may need to explain at least your table's schema.

Since it's grandchild I suggest you to do 2 Start: expressions, one nested inside the other. This assumes that you have "[Related whatever]" List columns and you are executing this as an non-scheduled report or a ForEachRowInTable trigger


<<Start:[Related Children]>>
<<Start:[Related Grandchildren]>>


 This will add as much images as grandchildren there are for the current parent

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