Struggling with Parent/Child Start: Functions in Workflow

Hello! I am having trouble mastering a particular workflow template. I will explainโ€ฆ

I have a start function that gathers many rows from a table. I want these rows to each be shown in a workflow, but I want them grouped by a common column value. For example, If I have 4 rows that have [Store #]=โ€œ123โ€, and 6 rows that have [Store #]=โ€œ456โ€, then I want it to look like this

Store 123
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4

Store 456
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6

I cannot figure out how to do this though. I did look at the documentation for a while, and was still left confused. HERE is a link to my template. Scroll down to the second page, this is the new version that I am working on. The area that needs help is highlighted in yellow. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Try this:

<<Start: ORDERBY(FILTER("Previous Weeks Report",AND(([_ROWNUMBER]= MAX(SELECT(Previous Weeks Report[_ROWNUMBER],(LIST([Store #],[Store Name])= LIST([_THISROW-1].[Store #],[_THISROW-1].[Store Name]))))),OR([Company]=โ€Gonnella",[Reference Company]=โ€Gonnellaโ€),CONTAINS([_THISROW].[Store Lists To Include In Report],[List]))),[Today])>>

View solution in original post


Well, I should clarify. Not every store has a #. Some are marked by a #, and some are marked by a Name. Some are marked by both. Every store has at least 1 of the 2. I just want the rows that correspond to the store # and Name to go below it. Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately we donโ€™t have grouping functionality with templates at this moment. What you can doโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m assuming that you know all possible store namesโ€ฆ if you donโ€™t know them in advance, you need to change that procedure somehow. If you have for example 10 different store names, you need to use IF: & EndIf expression for each store.

<< IF: [Store]=โ€œStore 123โ€ >>
Store 123
<< Start:โ€ฆ>> << [Column] >> << End >>
<< EndIf >>

Thanks! Actually I have 3000 stores, so that probably wouldnโ€™t be the best option. So there is no workaround? Isnโ€™t that what a parent child relationship is? I thought that in the reports documentation, the examples were able to do this. Is there a difference in what the examples did vs what I am trying to accomplish? What is a deference? Thanks again!

Both Store Name and Store # can be blank?

Some stores have only # but not name filled out
Some stores have only name but not # filled out
Some stores have both # and name filled out

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Try this (untested):

<<Start: ORDERBY(
    "Previous Weeks Report",
      = MAX(
          Previous Weeks Report[_ROWNUMBER],
              ([Company] = "Gonnella"),
              ([Reference Company] = "Gonnella")
              [_THISROW].[Store Lists To Include In Report],
  [Store #]

  [Store Name],
    ISNOTBLANK([Store #]),
    (" - #" & [Store #])
<<Start: ORDERBY(
    "Previous Weeks Report",
        [Store #],
        [Store Name]
      = LIST(
        [_THISROW-1].[Store #],
        [_THISROW-1].[Store Name]
  ([Reference Company] = "Gonnella"),
  ("Visited By " & [Company])
<<[Store #].[Visit Details]>> <<IFS(
  [Needs Follow Up?],
  "Needs a Follow Up!"


โ€œErrorsโ€: โ€œError: Workflow rule โ€˜Previous Week Reportโ€™ action โ€˜Previous Week Reportโ€™ Body template. Found 2 unmatched โ€˜Endโ€™. They are: <p class=โ€œc0โ€><span class=โ€œc2โ€><>

โ€™, '<p class=โ€œc0โ€><span class=โ€œc2โ€><>โ€,
Thats what happened when I plugged it into the doc.

Try removing the extra line breaks and spaces I use to format my expressions. I think templates are kinda sensitive to that.

I got the same error.


Im going to make sure that I followed your formula first though. Maybe that is my error

I have a different error now. I fixed my page to follow your formula exactly, and tried again, but received this error:

โ€œErrorsโ€: โ€œError: Workflow rule โ€˜Previous Week Reportโ€™ action โ€˜Previous Week Reportโ€™ Body template. Expression โ€˜[Store #].[Visit Details]โ€™ is invalid due to: Error in expression [Store #].[Visit Details] : .โ€,

I received this error last night trying to do this on my own. It confused me because that tells me that there is an error, and it doesnโ€™t tell me what the error is

Is the Store # column of the Ref type? Does the table it references have a column named Visit Details?

It is all one spreadsheet. I use a slice to narrow it down to the rows that have been added in the last 7 days, and the filter filters it down even more to have only the rows with โ€œGonnellaโ€ in either of the first 2 columns and only the rows that have a certain list that is specified when I sumbit a form from another table

Try changing this in the template:

[Store #].[Visit Details]

to just this:

[Visit Details]

It only contains 1 row when I do this. There should be 13. The row shown is the last row with โ€œShawโ€™sโ€ as the [List] Value.

Hmmmโ€ฆ What does this do, from your original template?

  [_THISROW].[Store Lists To Include In Report],

When a user fills out a form from a seperate table, that column is one of the fields. For example, a user might select โ€œShawโ€™sโ€, and it means that the workflow would only have those rows that have [list] in the column that the users selected.

Okay, letโ€™s do some troubleshooting. Does the following template produce a list of distinct (store #, store name) pairs?

<<Start: ORDERBY(FILTER("Previous Weeks Report",([_ROWNUMBER]=MAX(SELECT(Previous Weeks Report[_ROWNUMBER],AND(OR(([Company] = "Gonnella"),([Reference Company] = "Gonnella")),CONTAINS([_THISROW].[Store Lists To Include In Report],[List])))))),[Store #])>>
<<[Store #]>>: <<[Store Name]>>


only the Franklin Store

<<Start: Orderby(Select(Previous Weeks Report[Key],And(OR([Company]=โ€Gonnella",[Reference Company]=โ€Gonnellaโ€),Contains([_ThisRow].[Store Lists To Include In Report],[List]))),[Today])>>


This does

Does each pair occur only once? If so, just use that instead.

Alright, now were making serious progress I used that instead, but I encountered a smaller error.
The Cedarville store visits go under cedarville, but since there are 2 rows with cedarville, it shows up twice. How to I make each store only show up once, even if there are 2 rows with the pair in the table?

To answer your question, pairs can occur multiple times.

I suspected as much. My original expression was an attempt to catch that. Thinkingโ€ฆ

Try this:

<<Start: ORDERBY(FILTER("Previous Weeks Report",AND(([_ROWNUMBER]= MAX(SELECT(Previous Weeks Report[_ROWNUMBER],(LIST([Store #],[Store Name])= LIST([_THISROW-1].[Store #],[_THISROW-1].[Store Name]))))),OR([Company]=โ€Gonnella",[Reference Company]=โ€Gonnellaโ€),CONTAINS([_THISROW].[Store Lists To Include In Report],[List]))),[Today])>>

That worked. THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!

Just did that. I formatted your formula to my formatting. Thanks a ton by the way!

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