Sync on Start. If I Turn off, how will the App Definition Get Refreshed?

I'm wondering how the app definition will get updated if I turn Sync on Start Off. Will a app definition update happen in the background? This particular app is fairly stable, and I would like to speed up initial load time.



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Sync's always include both app updates and data updates.  I have to believe there is optimization on app updates - only downloaded when there has been app changes.  

The setting you are referring to only controls if their is an automatic Sync when the user launches the app.  If you have a data scenario where users work most independently - meaning they do not need to see the latest data right away in order to use the app -  Then turning this option off probably makes sense to get speedy launching of the app.

Fair enough.  What would you expect to be synced if ALL your data sources are cloud database tables and views?

Typically all table data is downloaded EXCEPT when there is a Security Filter applied.  Furthermore, if the database allows it AND the Security Filter is not overly complicated (i.e. it can be represented by SQL Select criteria),  the Security filter will be applied at the database level. 

Otherwise, all data is downloaded to the severs and then Security filters are applied before sending the resulting dataset to the device/desktop.

The data that is actually included in each Sync, depends on the app settings.  For example if you have Delta Sync turned on, then it is expected that only the data changes are supplied in the Sync.   Before you go turn it on thinking it will have an impact on performance, there are some quirks about it such that data doesn't always update in manner we think it does.  Read the documentation before deciding to use it.

There may also be some other optimizations that happen

I hope this helps!.

ALL Table data! That concerns me. Is there anyway to tell if you are approaching device limits? Maybe I’m thinking this tool can handle more than is possible. Would it for example be able to handle a 10 million row table? Sounds like no. 

@DarenJanes wrote:

ALL Table data! That concerns me.


This is a "Mobile First" development platform so apps conform to the limitations of today's mobile devices.  The apps can handle a large amount of data and do it well with some care in the implementation.  See this article for more details: Limits on Data Size 

There are many things we, app creators, can do to keep the app performant in large systems to allow apps to go beyond the data size limits. 

For example, no user needs to see 10 million rows of data or even 1000 rows of data.  They really only need to have a window into a portion of the data, typically the most recent data, enhanced with certain summary details.  We can provide them that.

I am describing common scenarios with large data.  Maybe you have a particular use case for an app?  Care to share?


Thank you @WillowMobileSys So if I turn off the Sync on Start, the app definition will still update during the background sync that occurs every 30 minutes or so. Am i right?

@jyothis_m wrote:

So if I turn off the Sync on Start, the app definition will still update during the background sync that occurs every 30 minutes or so. Am i right?

Yes, that is my understanding.  Any Sync should first update the App Definition then the data - at least as far as I know.

I do not recommend turning off Sync on Start IF you are making app definition changes.  Should a user set aside the app for awhile and then return, they may begin attempting to make changes on an older app version which would result in errors or mismatched data to columns in a sheet.

Thank you @WillowMobileSys shall check this out

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