TWILIO Basic Authentication header

Hi, I’m having a problem when trying to send whatsapp notifications using TWILIO. I’m getting the following error:

Workflow rule ‘whatsapp’ field ‘Webhook’ expression ‘Basic QUM5NTM5YzlhOTU3ZTdjYjZjZjdhZjJhMjgxODMzZDI5NDozNjIxNjU3OGVjZGYyMjQwN2I4YWY3MWRhNzcxNGFjNg==’ contains an invalid expression ‘Expression ‘Basic QUM5NTM5YzlhOTU3ZTdjYjZjZjdhZjJhMjgxODMzZDI5NDozNjIxNjU3OGVjZGYyMjQwN2I4YWY3MWRhNzcxNGFjNg==’ could not be parsed due to exception: The given key was not present in the dictionary…’.

I have read the appsheet documentation to set up Basic Authetication headers, but I’m still not getting my headers right. From what I understood, I should write my header as follow:

Authorization: “Basic QUM5NTM5YzlhOTU3ZTdjYjZjZjdhZjJhMjgxODMzZDsSSozNjIxNjUA3GVSSGYyMjQwN2I4YWY3MWRsjfNGFjNg==”

Is that right? Or what am I getting wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help!!

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