Time server?

how to make time, like server time, in condition when he before use/open appsheet he can edited the time in setting device… who can teach me about that ?

0 10 963

You can use UTCNOW() expression which reads the server time as per UTC+0 rather than the mobile device’s date&time value.

Can you make tutorial in youtubee ??

If I understand @moncet_idi concern, I have the same problem where a user can trick Appsheet into recording the wrong time by changing their device time. Does this mean that the UTCNOW() function posts the current time from say an independent server regardless of time set on the device

You are correct. UTCNOW() value is a designated value coming from AppSheet server.

Thats great. I’ll be making some changes. Thanks again.

You’re welcome @Sentra_Ventures. Please bear in mind that UTCNOW() always returns the datetime value as per UTC+0.

I found an exception to this (that is, the value coming from the AppSheet server) and posted about it here:

It seems that it returns the UTC+0 equivalent of the client device’s time… so the user is still able to tamper with the time value that is recorded
unless im still missing something…

That was my understanding as well.
However, you can record server time if you leverage a workflow if I’m not mistaken.

Can you make tutorial in youtube ??

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