Trouble linking to attachments within smartsheet, how to not display certain information

I am doing some initial testing for a solution using a combination of Smartsheet and Appsheet. I want to use Appsheet to display information saved in one of the Smartsheets I have created.

  1. We have saved attachments within smartsheet. I can bring over normal date or data across easily, but canโ€™t seem to bring Smartsheet attachments across. Is it possible to do so? It simplifies things if we keep the attachment within Smartsheet rather than stored elsewhere (which seems easy enough to link up).
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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

What do you mean by this?

In Smart sheet we plug a job into our sheet using a form. There are fields for client, job name, job details and then 5 date fields for the different departments that the job goes through. We are also able to attach artwork for the job within the sheet. So each row, which corresponds to a different job may or may not have its own unique attachment.
We then want to use Appsheet to create an app so that each department can get a summarized version of the information they require to do their part of the job. We can easily create the app so that it references client, job, dates etc. We canโ€™t however seem to bring across the attachment from Smartsheet. I have found information on how to link to attachments, but this relates to G-Drive etc. I am not sure how to bring the specific attachment across from within Smartsheet or if that is even possible.

From my own research through our docs, I donโ€™t believe your AppSheet app can access Smartsheet attachments. I suggest you contact directly for confirmation.

Thanks for taking a look.

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