Trying to get an Action with a dynamic target...

Trying to get an Action with a dynamic target. I’m pretty close, but ran into a problem.

Action App:Go to another view within this app =LINKTOVIEW(“Results”)

This works as expected. However, storing that same value in a column [Link]

App:Go to another view within this app =[Link]

…gives the ERROR: Unable to fetch app definition: App ‘LINKTOVIEW(“Results”)’ was not found.

The LINKTOVIEW(“Results”) app did not load successfully. Please contact the app creator. Unable to fetch app definition: App ‘LINKTOVIEW(“Results”)’ was not found.

Oddly, #view=Results works in both cases. This would be a good workaround, but I can’t figure out how to get a filtered view link in the #view=… format.

Has anyone else been able to get a dynamic Action target?

Does anyone know how to format a #view=… style link to filter records in a table view?

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  • UX

You might want to try Go to a website with a formula such as CONCATENATE (“http://…#control=“,[Link])

@GreenFlux I’m beginning to think it’s just a bug or limitation of the Expression Assistant. I’ve also noticed that the context is locked to the current table, so your filter condition can only reference fields of the same table as the action. This means you can only navigate to other layouts of the same table.

@Stephen_Mattison I’m pretty sure it has something to do with using ENCODEURL()and CONCATENATE() to get the proper syntax, but I can only find examples that point you to a view or a row (in detail view). I could use an example showing a#view=… link with a filter.

You must store just the value in the LINK column of your table without the link function, just save: “Result” (without double quotes) In your action button try this: =LINKTOVIEW([Link])

@Fernando_Lopez Thanks! Now we’re getting somewhere. It works, and it’s dynamic, but it’s still not a filtered view though. It looks like I may have to use two columns. Something like LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW([Link],[Filter]). I’ll try it out later and report back. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

@GreenFlux Hey, where is Fernando’s Comment!

@Stephen_Mattison It got marked as spam for some reason. Here it is again in case you still can’t view it:

You must store just the value in the LINK column of your table without the link function, just save: “Result” (without double quotes) In your action button try this: =LINKTOVIEW([Link])

@GreenFlux you’re welcome

LINKTOVIEW() is a function. So just sticking that into a column value won’t work — it will just be treated as text. You need to have it be evaluated. So it would need to be an AppFormula for the column or an InitialValue or something like that.

From the Expression Assistant in the Action Target: Still can’t get a dynamic link to a filtered view. The LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() function won’t evaluate with a column in the first parameter, but it will in the 2nd??!

Did you figure it out? Same problem.

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